ADMIRE mid-term review
All issues for this milestone are closed. You may close this milestone now.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Internal ids returned by `ADM_register_adhoc_storage` are always 0
- Examples should output descriptive messages in case of error
- New job_manager locks on `std::shared_mutex` instead of `abt::shared_mutex`
- There's no way to select the adhoc storage type when calling `register_adhoc_storage`
- `ADM_register_adhoc_storage` requires obsolete `ADM_job_t` argument.
- Missing rpc id in log entry for `ADM_register_adhoc_storage`
- Build fails with current Mercury `HEAD`
- Standing issues with `AMD_ping` logging output
- Wrong logging output for `ADM_ping`
- Inconsistent logging output for RPCs
- The C++ API should not rely on `unique_ptr`
- adhoc_storage instances should keep track of jobs using them
- Improve `adhoc_storage_manager` in `scord` to keep information about registered instances
- Add `job_manager` component to scord daemon
- API does not provide facilities to communicate job and adhoc hostnames
- ADM_deploy_adhoc_storage() needs a list of nodes as arguments.
- Refactor library RPC implementation of `admire::deploy_adhoc_storage`
- `ADM_update_job()` should only allow changing the job resources
- Libslurmadmcli: installing and testing
- JOB ID needed in register_job / register_adhoc_storage