1. Mar 30, 2022
  2. Mar 22, 2022
    • Ramon Nou's avatar
      Merge branch 'rnou/173-support-other-kv-databases' into 'master' · 4d760bc6
      Ramon Nou authored
      Resolve "Support other KV Databases"
      Closes #173
      This `MR` adds support for different metadata backends. Actually, `PARALLAX` from `FORTH` is supported as experimental.
      `PARALLAX` needs a 8GB file (minimum size) to store metadata. It is created in the `metadir` directory as `rocksdbx` name.
      Inside the install script there is a commented line, to modify an internal parameter of `PARALLAX` increasing the key size drom 255 bytes to 4096 (Max PATH name in POSIX). However, `PARALLAX` is not (fully) tested with such values.
      This backend should work in all the scenarios, but there are some issues that appear under high load mdtest.
      This `MR` includes the optional compilation/dependencies of each of the backends. Testing is generated dynamically from conftest.template depending on the options selected.
      This `MR` includes a new argument for the daemon to remove the rootdir/metadir files directories when the daemon is finished. This reduces the data from artifacts when running databases that uses a fixed size file. (i.e., Parallax)
      See merge request !110
  3. Mar 17, 2022
  4. Mar 16, 2022
  5. Mar 15, 2022
  6. Mar 11, 2022
  7. Mar 10, 2022
  8. Mar 09, 2022
  9. Feb 22, 2022
  10. Feb 16, 2022
  11. Feb 11, 2022
  12. Feb 10, 2022
    • Ramon Nou's avatar
      Removed Boost ICL · 26474151
      Ramon Nou authored
    • Alberto Miranda's avatar
      Merge branch 'amiranda/159-generate-doxygen-documentation' into 'master' · 056c427d
      Alberto Miranda authored
      Resolve "Automatically generate GekkoFS documentation"
      This MR adds a `docs` target to the build system that can be used to automatically generate Sphinx documentation based on ReStructured Text for the project. Additionally, it also processes the source files through Doxygen to generate intermediate XML that can be passed to Sphinx extensions Breathe and Exhale so that GekkoFS classes and functions can be referenced from the Sphinx documentation.
      The CI script is also extended to build this documentation and deploy it to the project's site.
      Closes #159
      See merge request !95
    • Alberto Miranda's avatar
      Prepare 'docs' image for 0.9.0 release · 3f498869
      Alberto Miranda authored