Class ChunkTruncateOperation

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Class Documentation

class ChunkTruncateOperation : public gkfs::data::ChunkOperation<ChunkTruncateOperation>

Chunk operation class for truncate operations.

Note, a truncate operation is a special case and forced to only use a single task.

Public Functions

explicit ChunkTruncateOperation(const std::string &path)
~ChunkTruncateOperation() = default
void truncate(size_t size)

Truncate request called by RPC handler function and launches a non-blocking tasklet.


size – GekkoFS file offset (NOT chunk file) to truncate to



int wait_for_task()

Wait for the truncate tasklet to finish.


Error code for success (0) or failure

Private Functions

void clear_task_args()

Resets the task_arg_ struct.

Private Static Functions

static void truncate_abt(void *_arg)

Exclusively used by the Argobots tasklet.


_arg – Pointer to input struct of type <chunk_truncate_args>. Error code<int> is placed into eventual to signal its failure or success.


friend class ChunkOperation< ChunkTruncateOperation >
struct chunk_truncate_args

Struct for a truncate operation.

Public Members

const std::string *path

Path to affected chunk directory.

size_t size

GekkoFS file offset (NOT chunk file) to truncate to.

ABT_eventual eventual

Attached eventual.

struct task_arg_

tasklet input struct