Class ChunkStorage
Defined in File chunk_storage.hpp
Class Documentation
class ChunkStorage
ChunkStorage class handles all interaction with node-local storage system and is run as a single instance within the GekkoFS daemon.
Public Functions
ChunkStorage(std::string &path, size_t chunksize)
Initializes the ChunkStorage object on daemon launch.
- Parameters:
path – Root directory where all data is placed on the local FS.
chunksize – Used chunksize in this GekkoFS instance.
- Throws:
ChunkStorageException – on launch failure
void destroy_chunk_space(const std::string &file_path) const
Removes chunk directory with all its files which is a recursive remove operation on the chunk directory.
- Parameters:
file_path – Chunk file path, e.g., /foo/bar
- Throws:
ssize_t write_chunk(const std::string &file_path, gkfs::rpc::chnk_id_t chunk_id, const char *buf, size_t size, off64_t offset) const
Writes a single chunk file and is usually called by an Argobots tasklet.
- Parameters:
file_path – Chunk file path, e.g., /foo/bar
chunk_id – Number of chunk id
buf – Buffer to write to chunk
size – Amount of bytes to write to the chunk file
offset – Offset where to write to the chunk file
- Throws:
ChunkStorageException – with its error code
- Returns:
The amount of bytes written
ssize_t read_chunk(const std::string &file_path, gkfs::rpc::chnk_id_t chunk_id, char *buf, size_t size, off64_t offset) const
Reads a single chunk file and is usually called by an Argobots tasklet.
- Parameters:
file_path – Chunk file path, e.g., /foo/bar
chunk_id – Number of chunk id
buf – Buffer to read to from chunk
size – Amount of bytes to read to the chunk file
offset – Offset where to read from the chunk file
- Throws:
ChunkStorageException – with its error code
- Returns:
The amount of bytes read
void trim_chunk_space(const std::string &file_path, gkfs::rpc::chnk_id_t chunk_start)
Delete all chunks starting with chunk a chunk id.
- Parameters:
file_path – Chunk file path, e.g., /foo/bar
chunk_start – Number of chunk id
- Throws:
ChunkStorageException – with its error code
void truncate_chunk_file(const std::string &file_path, gkfs::rpc::chnk_id_t chunk_id, off_t length)
Truncates a single chunk file to a given byte length.
- Parameters:
file_path – Chunk file path, e.g., /foo/bar
chunk_id – Number of chunk id
length – Length of bytes to truncate the chunk to
- Throws:
ChunkStat chunk_stat() const
Calls statfs on the chunk directory to get statistic on its used storage space.
- Throws:
- Returns:
ChunkStat struct
std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator get_all_chunk_files()
std::string get_chunk_directory()
Private Functions
inline std::string absolute(const std::string &internal_path) const
Converts an internal gkfs path under the root dir to the absolute path of the system.
- Parameters:
internal_path – E.g., /foo/bar
- Returns:
Absolute path, e.g., /tmp/rootdir/<pid>/data/chunks/foo:bar
void init_chunk_space(const std::string &file_path) const
Initializes the chunk space for a GekkoFS file, creating its directory on the local file system.
- Parameters:
file_path – Chunk file path, e.g., /foo/bar
Private Members
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> log_
Class logger.
std::string root_path_
Path to GekkoFS root directory.
size_t chunksize_
File system chunksize. TODO Why does that exist?
Private Static Functions
static inline std::string get_chunks_dir(const std::string &file_path)
Returns the chunk dir directory for a given path which is expected to be absolute.
- Parameters:
file_path –
- Returns:
Chunk dir path
static inline std::string get_chunk_path(const std::string &file_path, gkfs::rpc::chnk_id_t chunk_id)
Returns the backend chunk file path for a given internal path.
- Parameters:
file_path – Internal file path, e.g., /foo/bar
chunk_id – Number of chunk id
- Returns:
Chunk file path, e.g., /foo/bar /tmp/rootdir/<pid>>/data/chunks/foo:bar/0
ChunkStorage(std::string &path, size_t chunksize)