
This guide describes how to generate coverage reports for the GekkoFS source code. Please note that the GekkoFS CI pipelines already generate coverage reports automatically for newer commits. Thus, the procedures described here are focused towards developers willing to generate a coverage report in their local workstations to check whether their work is properly covered by tests.


# 1. configure appropriate coverage flags, etc.
$ cmake --preset coverage

# 2. build GekkoFS and co.
$ cmake --build builds/coverage --parallel 8

# 3. generate zero coverage information (builds/coverage/
$ cmake --build builds/coverage --target coverage-zerocount

# 4. run ALL TESTS to generate coverage data files
$ ctest --test-dir builds/user-gcc-coverage --parallel 8

# 5. generate a unified LCOV trace file (builds/coverage/
$ cmake --build builds/coverage --target coverage-unified

# 6. (optional) print summary stats
$ cmake --build builds/coverage --target coverage-summary

# 7. (optional) generate a HTML report (builds/coverage/coverage_html)
$ cmake --build builds/coverage --target coverage-html

# 8. (optional) generate a Cobertura XML report (builds/coverage/coverage-cobertura.xml)
$ cmake --build builds/coverage --target coverage-cobertura

Configuring the build

In order to generate coverage information, the source code needs to be compiled and linked in debug mode with (at least) the --coverage flags. While the flags can be set manually by overriding several variables such as CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, since v3.19 supports configuration presets that greatly simplify this process. Thus, GekkoFS provides a CMake default-coverage preset that can be used to configure a coverage build:

$ cmake --preset=default-coverage
Preset CMake variables:

  CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -fdiagnostics-color=always --pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -DGKFS_DEBUG_BUILD -DHERMES_DEBUG_BUILD"
  CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_COVERAGE="-Og -g --coverage -fkeep-static-functions"
  CMAKE_C_FLAGS_COVERAGE="-Og -g --coverage -fkeep-static-functions"

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.1.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.1.0

Generating a coverage report

GekkoFS relies on the scripts/dev/ script to manage all its coverage generation and reporting needs. The script internally calls lcov as needed to generate both intermediate and unified coverage traces, and lcov_cobertura to generate Cobertura XML reports.

As described by the lcov man page, the recommended procedure to generate coverage data for a test case is the following:

  1. create baseline coverage data file

  2. execute some tests to gather coverage data files

  3. create a coverage data file for the tests

  4. combine baseline and test coverage data

Since is internally based on lcov, the script offers the following working modes:

  • capture: Generate a lcov tracefile from existing coverage data. This working mode is intended for generating initial zero coverage data as well as coverage data from one or many tests.

  • merge: Merge existing lcov tracefiles into a unified tracefile. This working mode is intended to be used for merging several lcov tracefiles into a unified tracefile. For instance, it can be used to merge the tracefile for initial zero coverage with the traces for captured from running tests.

  • summary: Print summary coverage information for a specified lcov tracefile.

  • html_report: Generate a HTML report for a specified lcov tracefile.

  • cobertura: Generate a Cobertura XML report for a specified lcov tracefile.

Thus, in order to generate a coverage report for tests test_directories and test_syscalls, we can run the following commmands from the project’s source directory:


# generate a zero coverage tracefile while excluding any coverage data 
# referring to source files in $BUILD_DIR/_deps and $SOURCE_DIR/external
$ scripts/dev/ \
    --initial \
    --root-directory "$BUILD_DIR" \
    --output-file \
    "$COVERAGE_DIR/" \
    --sources-directory "$SOURCE_DIR" \
    --exclude "$BUILD_DIR/_deps/*" \
    --exclude "$SOURCE_DIR/external/*"
# execute the tests we are interested in
$ ctest --test-dir $BUILD_DIR -R test_directories
$ ctest --test-dir $BUILD_DIR -R test_syscalls

# generate a coverage tracefile for the generated coverage data while excluding 
# any coverage data referring to source files in $BUILD_DIR/_deps and 
# $SOURCE_DIR/external
$ scripts/dev/ \
    --root-directory "$BUILD_DIR" \
    --output-file \
    "$COVERAGE_DIR/" \
    --sources-directory "$SOURCE_DIR" \
    --exclude "$BUILD_DIR/_deps/*" \
    --exclude "$SOURCE_DIR/external/*"
# merge the generated tracefiles (i.e. $COVERAGE_DIR/ and 
# $COVERAGE_DIR/ into a unified file
$ scripts/dev/ \
    merge \
    --output-file $COVERAGE_DIR/ \
    --search-pattern "$COVERAGE_DIR/*.info"
# print a summary, generate a HTML report, etc.
$ scripts/dev/ \
    summary \
    --input-tracefile $COVERAGE_DIR/
Reading tracefile build/coverage/
Summary coverage rate:
  lines......: 75.1% (6332 of 8430 lines)
  functions..: 83.2% (957 of 1150 functions)
  branches...: 42.1% (5987 of 14224 branches)

Since running all these steps manually is cumbersome and error-prone, GekkoFS’ build script provides several targets to simplify report generation by automatically setting directories, exclusions, and so on:

  • coverage-zerocount: Capture initial zero coverage data and write it to ${COVERAGE_ZEROCOUNT_TRACEFILE}.

  • coverage-capture: Capture coverage data from existing .gcda files and write it to ${COVERAGE_CAPTURE_TRACEFILE}.

  • coverage-unified: Merge any coverage data files found in COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR and generate a unified coverage trace.

  • coverage-summary: Print a summary of the coverage data found in ${COVERAGE_UNIFIED_TRACEFILE}.

  • coverage-html_report: Write a HTML report from the coverage data found in ${COVERAGE_UNIFIED_TRACEFILE}.

  • coverage-cobertura: Write a Cobertura report from the coverage data found in ${COVERAGE_UNIFIED_TRACEFILE}.


It is possible to override the default values for all the COVERAGE_ CMake variables mentioned above by setting them during CMake’s project configuration, e.g.

`cmake --preset=default-coverage -DCOVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp`

The steps above can then be simplified:

# write a zero coverage tracefile in $COVERAGE_DIR/
# (with automatic exclusions)
$ cmake --build builds/coverage --target coverage-zerocount
[0/1] Generating zerocount coverage tracefile
Output written to '/home/user/gekkofs/build/coverage/'

# execute the tests we are interested in
$ ctest --test-dir $BUILD_DIR -R test_directories
$ ctest --test-dir $BUILD_DIR -R test_syscalls
# This executes the following:
# 1. write a coverage tracefile for the generated coverage data into
#    $COVERAGE_DIR/ (with automatic exclusions)
# 2. merge $COVERAGE_DIR/ with $COVERAGE_DIR/ and 
#    write the result into $COVERAGE_DIR/
# 3. print a stats report for $COVERAGE_DIR/
$ cmake --build $BUILD_DIR -t coverage-summary
[1/3] Generating capture coverage tracefile
Output written to '/home/user/gekkofs/source/build/coverage/'
[2/3] Generating unified coverage tracefile
Output written to '/home/user/gekkofs/source/build/coverage/'
[3/3] Gathering coverage information
Reading tracefile /home/user/gekkofs/build/coverage/
Summary coverage rate:
  lines......: 75.1% (6332 of 8430 lines)
  functions..: 83.2% (957 of 1150 functions)
  branches...: 42.1% (5987 of 14224 branches)