
This page describes the testing infrastructure of the GekkoFS file system. It is intended to provide a general idea of how the different infrastructure components are organized and their interactions, so that developers can use them to write new tests (and/or extend the framework) with as few prototyping overhead as possible.

Integration and functionality tests

GekkoFS provides an automated testing harness to simplify writing and running integration and functional tests for the file system. For simplicity and ease of development, tests are written in Python (3.6+ required). The harness itself relies on the pytest framework to simplify testing the GekkoFS infrastructure. Among others, pytest offers the following features:

  • Detailed info on failing assert statements;

  • Auto-discovery of test modules and functions;

  • Modular fixtures for managing small or parametrized long-lived test resources;

  • Rich plugin architecture, in case further functionality is required.

The code below shows an example of a simple test that creates a directory on the file system’s root by invoking mkdir() and checks the returned value and errno error code.

import harness, errno, stat
from pathlib import Path

def test_mkdir(gkfs_daemon, gkfs_client):
    """Create a new directory in the FS's root"""

    topdir = gkfs_daemon.mountdir / "top"

    ret = gkfs_client.mkdir(
        stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)

    assert ret.retval == 0
    assert ret.errno == 0

Executing functional tests

In order for tests to be built, the GKFS_BUILD_TESTS option needs to be enabled when configuring the package:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make -j8

Once built, tests can be run in several ways:

# 1. run all tests registered with CTest
$ make test

# 2. build and run all tests registered with CTest
# (equivalent to ctest --force-new-ctest-process --verbose --output-on-failure)
$ make check

# 3. configure the run (see `ctest --help` for available options)
$ ctest [ options ]

It is also possible to invoke pytest directly by taking advantage of the Python virtualenv that CMake creates to run the tests. This has the advantage that the user can pass arguments directly to the pytest framework and that pretty-printed output is sent directly to the console.


py.test must be run from the build/tests/integration directory to work.

# option 1: run the 'mkdir' test directly from the 'build/tests' directory 
# in verbose mode, without console capture and using the 'docker0' interface
$ pytest-venv/bin/py.test -s -v --interface=docker0 -k test_mkdir

# option2: same example but activating the virtualenv
$ source pytest-venv/bin/activate
(pytest-venv) $ py.test -s -v --interface=docker0 -k test_mkdir
(pytest-venv) $ deactivate

In both cases, the test output should be similar to this:

===================================================================================== test session starts ======================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-5.3.5, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /opt/gekkofs/build/tests/pytest-venv/bin/python3.7
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /opt/gekkofs/build/tests, inifile: pytest.ini, testpaths: /opt/gekkofs/tests
plugins: xdist-1.31.0, dependency-0.4.0, forked-1.1.3
collected 20 items / 19 deselected / 1 selected                                                                                                                                                  

test_directories.py::test_mkdir 2020-02-25 14:42:08.923 | INFO     | harness.workspace:__init__:43 - workspace created at /tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0
2020-02-25 14:42:08.924 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:run:122 - spawning daemon
2020-02-25 14:42:08.924 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:run:123 - cmdline: /opt/gekkofs/build/src/daemon/gkfs_daemon --mountdir /tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0/mnt --rootdir /tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0/root -l docker0:12769
2020-02-25 14:42:08.924 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:run:124 - env: {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ':/opt/gekkofs/build/tests:/opt/gekkofs/prefix/lib', 'GKFS_HOSTS_FILE': PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0/gkfs_hosts.txt'), 'GKFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH': PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0/logs/gkfs_daemon.log'), 'GKFS_LOG_LEVEL': '100'}
2020-02-25 14:42:08.927 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:run:134 - daemon process spawned (PID=14946)
2020-02-25 14:42:09.040 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:run:251 - running client
2020-02-25 14:42:09.041 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:run:252 - cmdline: /opt/gekkofs/build/tests/harness/gkfs.io /tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0/mnt/top 511
2020-02-25 14:42:09.042 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:run:253 - env: {'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ':/opt/gekkofs/build/tests:/opt/gekkofs/prefix/lib', 'LD_PRELOAD': PosixPath('libgkfs_intercept.so'), 'LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE': PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0/gkfs_hosts.txt'), 'LIBGKFS_LOG': 'all', 'LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT': PosixPath('/tmp/pytest-of-testuser/pytest-190/test_mkdir0/logs/gkfs_client.log')}
2020-02-25 14:42:09.390 | DEBUG    | harness.gkfs:run:262 - command output: b'{\n  "errnum": 0,\n  "retval": 0\n}\n'
2020-02-25 14:42:15.219 | INFO     | harness.gkfs:shutdown:197 - terminating daemon

=============================================================================== 1 passed, 19 deselected in 1.54s ================================================================================


Be careful not to run make with the virtualenv activated. When that happens, CMake considers the virtualenv’s Python interpreter as the system-wide one and caches this information, thus failing to run tests when the virtualenv is deactivated.

Integration with CMake

As shown in the examples above, the functional testing harness is integrated with CMake’s built-in testing tool. The CMake software suite includes the CTest tool which can be used to automate the testing phase, or even the entire process of configuring, building, testing and even submitting results to a dashboard. Thus, integrating the pytest testing harness with it allows end-users to easily execute tests, and also integrate with expected CMake workflows. Nevertheless, CTest requires all tests to be defined by hand in any involved CMakeLists.txt, whereas pytest is capable of automatically finding all Pyhton test functions whose names follow certain patterns, which is why tests are semantically organized into directories, and test groups are added to CTest as shown below.

Adding new tests to CMake

The GekkoFS testing framework provides the gkfs_add_python_test CMake function to simplify creating test groups. Thus, if a ${GKFS_ROOTDIR}/tests/io subdirectory exists that should contain all the tests that exercise and verify that I/O works as expected, the test group could be added to CMake by adding the following code to ${GKFS_ROOTDIR}/tests/CMakeLists.txt:

  NAME test_io
  SOURCE tests/io/

The function creates a new CTest test called test_io that will internally call pytest and instruct it to auto-discover tests starting on the file or directory defined by SOURCE. It is also possible to define the WORKING_DIRECTORY required for the test, though for now only a value of ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} is supported.

Testing harness organization

The testing harness resides on the ${GKFS_ROOTDIR}/tests subdirectory and consists of the following files, directories, and helper programs:

  • pytest.ini.in: pytest determines a rootdir for each test run which depends on the command line arguments (specified test files, paths) and on the existence of ini-files, which allow to set pre-configured settings for a test run without having to rely on command line arguments ( see here) . Unfortunately, pytest’s rootdir finding algorithm will always determine that the first directory to contain a pytest.ini file will become the rootdir. Since we want to be able to run the tests by invoking make test from ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}, but we don’t want to copy the tests source files to the binary directory, we use this template to generate a pytest.ini file that instructs pytest to run the tests in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}, i.e. our main tests subdirectory.

  • conftest.py: This is the main pytest configuration file that should contain the definition of all fixtures that should be shared by multiple tests (refer to pytest’ s documentation for more information). Its purpose is to add extra options to pytest’s CLI, setup logging, and define the fixtures for the Workspace, Daemon, and Client classes (see below).

  • conftest.py.in: This template file allows adding CLI arguments to pytest regardless of whether it is run from ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} or ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}. As mentioned, the pytest framework auto-discovers tests, ini-files, and conftest.py files and uses this information to determine the rootdir of the tests. Unfortunately, when the first ini-file is found, pytest considers its parent directory as the rootdir and expects to find the main conftest.py in the same directory. Thus, in order to successfully add extra arguments to pytest’s CLI while keeping the tests sources in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}, we must have a valid conftest.py file in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}.

  • cli.py: This module exports the function add_cli_options() that adds the --interface, --bin-dir, and --lib-dir CLI arguments to pytest. This file is the only python source file that is copied to ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} so that it can be called from ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conftest.py.

  • gkfs.io/: This directory contains the sources for the gkfs.io helper program. This program acts as a proxy for the Client class described below to execute I/O-related system calls and library functions from a LD_PRELOAD context. Results from the function execution are returned in JSON format so that they can be easily parsed by the Client class (see io module below).

  • gkfs.py: This module exports the Daemon, Client, and ShellClient classes which allow tests to interface easily with the GekkoFS daemon, client library, and shell, respectively (see below for more details).

  • io.py: This module exports an IOParser class that is used internally by the Client class to deserialize any JSON output produced by the gkfs.io helper program. JSON deserialization relies on marshmallow fields and schemas to convert JSON strings to native Python datatypes.

  • cmd.py: This module exports a CommandParser class that is used internally by ShellClient class to deserialize output strings generated by shell commands into native Python datatypes.

  • logger.py: This module exports the harness.logger alias which hides the implementation details of the actual logging framework used. Any tests willing to produce logging messages only need to import harness.logger and call the appropriate logger.LEVEL(msg) function. All standard Python logging levels are supported.

  • workspace.py: This module exports the Workspace class which allows tests to setup and interact with their workspace.

Useful fixtures available to tests

The project’s testing harness relies on pytest internal fixture mechanism to setup and teardown resources for the test (e.g. daemon and client processes). By leveraging pytest’s mechanism for automatic fixture injection, any test can activate the harness’ automatic resource management by simply declaring the use of a harness fixture from test functions, modules, classes or whole projects.

In order to simplify writing tests and to ensure that they can run in parallel, the harness currently provides the following fixtures, which are defined in ${GKFS_ROOTDIR}/tests/conftest.py:


The workspace fixture returns an instance of the Worskpace class that implements a self-contained subdirectory where a test can run and generate artifacts in a self-contained manner. Given a test working directory twd, a workspace for a test is initialized by creating the following directories under twd:

twd                                # base directory for test (typically under the system's temporary directory)
├── logs                           # directory for logs   ├── gkfs_client.log
│   └── gkfs_daemon.log
├── mnt                            # directory for GekkoFS' virtual mount point
├── root                           # directory for GekkoFS' internal data   └── 14935       ├── data
│          └── chunks
│       └── rocksdb
│           ├── 000003.log
│           ├── 000006.sst
│           ├── CURRENT
│           ├── IDENTITY
│           ├── LOCK
│           ├── LOG
│           ├── MANIFEST-000007
│           └── OPTIONS-000005
└── tmp                            # temporary directory for test

For convenience, the Workspace class can be passed a bindirs and libdirs arguments that allow to respectively influence the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables that will be used when executing internal shell commands under it.

IMPORTANT The workspace fixture is a direct dependency of the gkfs_daemon and gkfs_client test fixtures described below, which means that it’s transitively added to any tests depending on these fixtures. There is seldom any need to directly declare it or use it when writing a test.


The file_factory fixture returns an instance of the harness.workspace.FileCreator class that allows test developers to create custom files with random binary contents in the test workspace. To do so, the FileCreator class provides a create(pathname, size, unit) function to generate the desired file, which in turn returns a workspace.File object that represents the newly created file. This File object offers convenience methods and properties to interact with the created file in the context of a test (e.g. md5sum()):

def test_foobar(gkfs_daemon, gkfs_shell, file_factory):
    # create a 4MB file and compute its md5sum 
    lf01 = file_factory.create(file01, size=4.0, unit='MB')
    digest = lf01.md5sum()  # digest => '7f45c62700402ce5f9abe5b8d70d2844'


The gkfs_daemon fixture returns an instance of the harness.gkfs.Daemon class that represents a local running daemon running in an isolated test workspace. The Daemon class provides methods to control the daemon process which are automatically invoked by pytest when a test starts/finishes to start up/shut down the daemon required by the test.

The class relies on Python’s sh module to configure, spawn and monitor a GekkoFS daemon process. The process is executed independently of the test process and the class sends the appropriate SIGTERM signal when the test finishes to properly shut down the daemon.

Currently, the daemon is executed with the following configuration:

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: The LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is set to the contents of $LD_LIBRARY_PATH when the test is invoked plus any additional paths defined in libdirs.

  • GKFS_HOSTS_FILE: The GKFS_HOSTS_FILE variable is set to <twd>/gkfs_hosts.txt.

  • GKFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH: The GKFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH variable is set to <twd>/logs/gkfs_daemon.log.

  • GKFS_LOG_LEVEL: The GKFS_LOG_LEVEL variable is set to 100.

  • --mountdir,-m: The --mountdir CLI argument is set to <twd>/mnt.

  • --rootdir,-r: The --rootdir CLI argument is set to <twd>/root.

  • --listen,-l: The --listen CLI argument is set to an ephemeral network address (IPv4:port) generated from the interface defined provided by the test’s Workspace (lo by default) and a randomly selected unused port in the range [1024, 32768).

The Daemon class exposes the following properties from a running daemon to tests:

  • cwd: the daemon’s current working directory.

  • rootdir: the daemon’s root directory in the host file system.

  • mountdir: the daemon’s mount directory in the host file system.

  • logdir: the directory used by the daemon to store logs.

  • interface: the daemon’s address used for communication.


The gkfs_client fixture returns an instance of the harness.gkfs.Client class. The Client class allows users to execute I/O-related functions from the glibc (i.e. system calls and library functions) in their own separate processes directly from Python code. The harness again relies on the sh module to spawn the processes with an appropriately patched environment so that they can communicate successfully with a running daemon.

To simplify usage and reduce coding overhead, the class provides a special __getattr__() method that tries to transform any method called on a Client instance to a gkfs.io command. Thus, the following code:

gkfs_client.mkdir("/foobar/", stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)

transforms into:

$ gkfs.io mkdir /foobar/ 0777
  "errnum": 0,
  "retval": 0

As shown in the excerpt above, gkfs.io returns function call results as JSON records through stdout, which are deserialized by the IOParser in io.py and transformed into a Python’s namedtuple. Thus, the previous function call would return the following:

In[1]: gkfs_client.mkdir("/foobar/", stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
MkdirReturn(retval=0, errno=115)


Though providing a __getattr__() method allows for more expressive tests, it also means that any function name called from an instance of the Client class automatically gets transformed into a gkfs.io argument. This may cause unexpected errors if the corresponding subcommand has not yet been implemented in gkfs.io


The gkfs_shell fixture returns an instance of the harness.gkfs.ShellClient class. The ShellClient class allows users to execute shell commands and scripts in their own separate processes directly from Python test code. The harness again relies on the sh module to spawn the processes with an appropriately patched environment so that they can communicate successfully with a running daemon.

Single commands

To simplify usage and reduce coding overhead, the class provides a special __getattr__() method that tries to transform any method called on a ShellClient instance to a bash -c command. Thus, in the following code:

def test_cp(gkfs_daemon, gkfs_shell, file_factory):
    """Copy a file into gkfs using the shell"""

    lf01 = file_factory.create(file01, size=4.0, unit='MB')

    # lf01.pathname: '${TWD}/tmp/file01'
    # gkfs_daemon.mountdir: '${TWD}/mnt/'
    cmd = gkfs_shell.cp(lf01.pathname, gkfs_daemon.mountdir)
    assert cmd.exit_code == 0
    assert cmd.stdout.decode() == ''
    assert cmd.stderr.decode() == ''

gkfs_shell.cp(lf01.pathname, gkfs_daemon.mountdir) transforms into:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<XXX> LD_PRELOAD=<YYY> bash -c 'cp ${TWD}/tmp/file01 ${TWD}/mnt/'

where XXX and YYY are respectively substituted by the appropriate library paths and libgfs_intercept.so library required for the test.

Similarly to the sh module, the raw output generated by a shell command executed in isolation (e.g. cp, stat, md5sum, etc.) can be accessed using the stdout and stderr properties as exemplified in the code above. Note, however, that the output for such commands can be accessed more conveniently as a Python object using the parsed_stdout property, provided that an appropriate CommandParser has been implemented for the command:

In[1]: gkfs_shell.stat("--terse /tmp/foobar")
statOutput(filename='/tmp/foobar', size=4000000, blocks=0, raw_mode='81b4', uid=1000, gid=1000, device='0', inode=10075480095715127217, hard_links=1, major='0', minor='0', last_access=0, last_modification=0, last_status_change=0, creation=0, transfer_size=524288)

If no command parser is available for the command, a NotImplementedError will be raised by the harness.cmd.CommandParser class.

Complex scripts

For convenience, the ShellClient class also provides a script() method that allows to execute complex chains of commands:

def test_shell_if_e(gkfs_daemon, gkfs_shell, file_factory):
    Copy a file into gkfs using the shell and check that it exists using `if [[ -e <file> ]]`.

    logger.debug("creating input file")
    lf01 = file_factory.create(file01, size=4.0, unit='MB')

    logger.debug("copying into gkfs")
    cmd = gkfs_shell.cp(lf01.pathname, gkfs_daemon.mountdir)
    assert cmd.exit_code == 0

    logger.debug("checking if file exists")
    cmd = gkfs_shell.script(
            expected_pathname={gkfs_daemon.mountdir / file01}
            if [[ -e ${{expected_pathname}} ]];
                exit 0
            exit 1

    assert cmd.exit_code == 0

Thanks to Python 3’s f-strings, it is really simple to expand Python expressions in the shell script, though care must be taken to escape braces when referencing shell variables in the script code (e.g. ${{expected_pathname}} in the excerpts above).

Note that by default, gkfs_shell.script() will patch the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_PRELOAD of the shell executing the script so that it gets intercepted by the GekkoFS client library. If such intrusive interception is not desired, ( because a test may require a single command of a complex script to be intercepted), it is possible to disable it by setting the intercept_shell argument to False as shown in the code below:

def test_shell_stat_script(gkfs_daemon, gkfs_shell, file_factory):
    Copy a file into gkfs using the shell and check that `stat <file> succeeds`

    logger.debug("creating input file")
    lf01 = file_factory.create(file01, size=4.0, unit='MB')

    logger.debug("copying into gkfs")
    cmd = gkfs_shell.cp(lf01.pathname, gkfs_daemon.mountdir)
    assert cmd.exit_code == 0

    logger.debug("checking metadata")
    cmd = gkfs_shell.script(
            expected_pathname={gkfs_daemon.mountdir / file01}
            {gkfs_shell.patched_environ} stat ${{expected_pathname}}
            exit $?

    assert cmd.exit_code == 0

As demonstrated by the code above, the gkfs_shell class provides the patched_environ property to make it simple to provide the appropriate environment variables to any commands that should be intercepted. Thus, the above line:

    expected_pathname={gkfs_daemon.mountdir / file01}
    {gkfs_shell.patched_environ} stat ${{expected_pathname}}
    exit $?

will be transformed by the harness into:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/gekkofs/build/tests:/opt/gekkofs/prefix/lib" \
LD_PRELOAD="/opt/gekkofs/build/src/client/libgkfs_intercept.so" \
LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE="/tmp/pytest-of-user/pytest-45/test_stat_script0/gkfs_hosts.txt" \
LIBGKFS_LOG="all" LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT="/tmp/pytest-of-user/pytest-45/test_stat_script0/logs/gkfs_client.log" \
    stat ${expected_pathname}


Please note that, unlike for single shell commands, the parsed_stdout property is not available for complex shell scripts run using gkfs_shell.script(). The reason is that it is not possible to provide a generic parser for all possible scripts. The raw output generated by a script, if any, can however be accessed using the stdout and stderr properties.

Please note that, unlike for single shell commands, the parsed_stdout property is not available for complex shell scripts run using gkfs_shell.script(). The reason is that it is not possible to provide a generic parser for all possible scripts. The raw output generated by a script, if any, can however be accessed using the stdout and stderr properties.

Unit tests