Program Listing for File srv_data.cpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/proxy/rpc/srv_data.cpp
Copyright 2018-2025, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain
Copyright 2015-2025, Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz, Germany
This software was partially supported by the
EC H2020 funded project NEXTGenIO (Project ID: 671951,
This software was partially supported by the
ADA-FS project under the SPPEXA project funded by the DFG.
This software was partially supported by the
the European Union’s Horizon 2020 JTI-EuroHPC research and
innovation programme, by the project ADMIRE (Project ID: 956748,
This project was partially promoted by the Ministry for Digital Transformation
and the Civil Service, within the framework of the Recovery,
Transformation and Resilience Plan - Funded by the European Union
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <proxy/proxy.hpp>
#include <proxy/rpc/rpc_defs.hpp>
#include <proxy/rpc/forward_data.hpp>
#include <proxy/rpc/rpc_util.hpp>
#include <common/rpc/rpc_types.hpp>
using namespace std;
static hg_return_t
proxy_rpc_srv_write(hg_handle_t handle) {
rpc_client_proxy_write_in_t client_in{};
rpc_data_out_t client_out{};
client_out.err = EIO;
client_out.io_size = 0;
hg_bulk_t bulk_handle = nullptr;
auto ret = margo_get_input(handle, &client_in);
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
PROXY_DATA->log()->error("{}() Failed to retrieve input from handle",
client_out.err = EBUSY;
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);
auto hgi = margo_get_info(handle);
auto mid = margo_hg_handle_get_instance(handle);
auto bulk_size = margo_bulk_get_size(client_in.bulk_handle);
assert(bulk_size == client_in.write_size);
"{}() Got RPC with path '{}' bulk_size '{}' == write_size '{}'",
__func__, client_in.path, bulk_size, client_in.write_size);
* Set up buffer and pull from client
void* bulk_buf; // buffer for bulk transfer
// create bulk handle and allocated memory for buffer with buf_sizes
// information
ret = margo_bulk_create(mid, 1, nullptr, &bulk_size, HG_BULK_READWRITE,
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
PROXY_DATA->log()->error("{}() Failed to create bulk handle", __func__);
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);
// access the internally allocated memory buffer and put it into buf_ptrs
uint32_t actual_count; // number of segments. we use one here because we
// pull the whole buffer at once
ret = margo_bulk_access(bulk_handle, 0, bulk_size, HG_BULK_READWRITE, 1,
&bulk_buf, &bulk_size, &actual_count);
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS || actual_count != 1) {
"{}() Failed to access allocated buffer from bulk handle",
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out,
// pull data from client here
ret = margo_bulk_transfer(mid, HG_BULK_PULL, hgi->addr,
client_in.bulk_handle, 0, bulk_handle, 0,
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
"{}() Failed to pull data from client for path '{}' with size '{}'",
__func__, client_in.path, bulk_size);
client_out.err = EBUSY;
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out,
// Forward request to daemon, using bulk_buf, containing the pulled data
// (which is pulled again by the daemon)
auto daemon_out = gkfs::rpc::forward_write(client_in.path, bulk_buf,
client_in.offset, bulk_size);
client_out.err = daemon_out.first;
client_out.io_size = daemon_out.second;
PROXY_DATA->log()->debug("{}() Sending output err '{}' io_size '{}'",
__func__, client_out.err, client_out.io_size);
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out,
static hg_return_t
proxy_rpc_srv_read(hg_handle_t handle) {
rpc_client_proxy_read_in_t client_in{};
rpc_data_out_t client_out{};
client_out.err = EIO;
client_out.io_size = 0;
hg_bulk_t bulk_handle = nullptr;
auto ret = margo_get_input(handle, &client_in);
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
PROXY_DATA->log()->error("{}() Failed to retrieve input from handle",
client_out.err = EBUSY;
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);
auto hgi = margo_get_info(handle);
auto mid = margo_hg_handle_get_instance(handle);
auto bulk_size = margo_bulk_get_size(client_in.bulk_handle);
assert(bulk_size == client_in.read_size);
"{}() Got RPC with path '{}' bulk_size '{}' == read_size '{}'",
__func__, client_in.path, bulk_size, client_in.read_size);
* Set up buffer for push from daemon
void* bulk_buf; // buffer for bulk transfer
// create bulk handle and allocated memory for buffer with buf_sizes
// information
ret = margo_bulk_create(mid, 1, nullptr, &bulk_size, HG_BULK_READWRITE,
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
PROXY_DATA->log()->error("{}() Failed to create bulk handle", __func__);
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);
// access the internally allocated memory buffer
uint32_t actual_count; // number of segments. we use one here because we
// pull the whole buffer at once
ret = margo_bulk_access(bulk_handle, 0, bulk_size, HG_BULK_READWRITE, 1,
&bulk_buf, &bulk_size, &actual_count);
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS || actual_count != 1) {
"{}() Failed to access allocated buffer from bulk handle",
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out,
// Forward request to daemon, using bulk_buf, containing the allocated
// buffer (which is pushed the data by the daemon)
auto daemon_out = gkfs::rpc::forward_read(client_in.path, bulk_buf,
client_in.offset, bulk_size);
if(daemon_out.first != 0) {
"{}() Failure when forwarding to daemon with err '{}' and iosize '{}'",
__func__, daemon_out.first, daemon_out.second);
client_out.err = daemon_out.first;
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out,
// Push data to client here if no error was reported by the daemon
ret = margo_bulk_transfer(mid, HG_BULK_PUSH, hgi->addr,
client_in.bulk_handle, 0, bulk_handle, 0,
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
"{}() Failed to push data from client for path '{}' with size '{}'",
__func__, client_in.path, bulk_size);
client_out.err = EBUSY;
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out,
client_out.err = daemon_out.first;
client_out.io_size = daemon_out.second;
PROXY_DATA->log()->debug("{}() Sending output err '{}' io_size '{}'",
__func__, client_out.err, client_out.io_size);
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out,
static hg_return_t
proxy_rpc_srv_truncate(hg_handle_t handle) {
rpc_client_proxy_trunc_in_t client_in{};
rpc_err_out_t client_out{};
auto ret = margo_get_input(handle, &client_in);
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
PROXY_DATA->log()->error("{}() Failed to retrieve input from handle",
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);
"{}() Got RPC with path '{}' current_size '{}' length '{}'",
__func__, client_in.path, client_in.current_size, client_in.length);
client_out.err = gkfs::rpc::forward_truncate(
client_in.path, client_in.current_size, client_in.length);
PROXY_DATA->log()->debug("{}() Sending output err '{}'", __func__,
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);
static hg_return_t
proxy_rpc_srv_chunk_stat(hg_handle_t handle) {
rpc_chunk_stat_in_t client_in{};
rpc_chunk_stat_out_t client_out{};
auto ret = margo_get_input(handle, &client_in);
if(ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
PROXY_DATA->log()->error("{}() Failed to retrieve input from handle",
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);
PROXY_DATA->log()->debug("{}() Got chunk stat RPC ", __func__);
auto daemon_out = gkfs::rpc::forward_get_chunk_stat();
client_out.err = daemon_out.first;
client_out.chunk_free = daemon_out.second.chunk_free;
client_out.chunk_total = daemon_out.second.chunk_total;
client_out.chunk_size = daemon_out.second.chunk_size;
PROXY_DATA->log()->debug("{}() Sending output err '{}'", __func__,
return gkfs::rpc::cleanup_respond(&handle, &client_in, &client_out);