1. Oct 31, 2018
    • Tommaso Tocci's avatar
      use mercury automatic SM routing · c40be81b
      Tommaso Tocci authored
      Mercury now support shared memory autorouting.
      A single margo instance can be initialized and it will handle both
      shared memory communication and remote ones.
      If the endpoint of the RPC is local mercury will automatically use
      shared memory.
      Since there is only one margo instance all the duplicated code for
      rpc/ipc have been unified and simplified considerably.
      The way in which client contact the server has changed.
       - Server initializes its own margo instance and generate the endpoint
      communication string using `HG_Addr_self`.
       - This endpoint description string is written on the pid file
       - When the client library loads it will fetch the server endpoint
      description from the pid file and will use that to contact the server.
    • Marc Vef's avatar
      Merge branch 'fix_cmake_mercury' into 'master' · d6c76b2d
      Marc Vef authored
      bugfix: compile mercury with last CMake version available
      See merge request zdvresearch_bsc/adafs!85
    • Tommaso Tocci's avatar
  2. Oct 30, 2018
  3. Oct 29, 2018
  4. Oct 28, 2018
  5. Oct 18, 2018
  6. May 17, 2018