gkfs.py 33.1 KiB
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Alberto Miranda's avatar
Alberto Miranda committed
#  Copyright 2018-2020, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain           #
#  Copyright 2015-2020, Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz, Germany         #
#                                                                              #
#  This software was partially supported by the                                #
#  EC H2020 funded project NEXTGenIO (Project ID: 671951, www.nextgenio.eu).   #
#                                                                              #
#  This software was partially supported by the                                #
#  ADA-FS project under the SPPEXA project funded by the DFG.                  #
#                                                                              #
#  SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT                                                #

import os, sh, sys, re, pytest, signal
import random, socket, netifaces
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import islice
from time import perf_counter
from pprint import pformat
from harness.logger import logger
from harness.io import IOParser
from harness.cmd import CommandParser
### some definitions required to interface with the client/daemon
gkfs_daemon_cmd = 'gkfs_daemon'
gkfs_client_cmd = 'gkfs.io'
gkfs_client_lib_file = 'libgkfs_intercept.so'
gkfs_hosts_file = 'gkfs_hosts.txt'
gkfs_forwarding_map_file = 'gkfs_forwarding.map'
gkfs_daemon_log_file = 'gkfs_daemon.log'
gkfs_daemon_log_level = '100'
gkfs_client_log_file = 'gkfs_client.log'
gkfs_client_log_level = 'all'
gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern = r'Startup successful. Daemon is ready.'

def get_ip_addr(iface):
    return netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr']

def get_ephemeral_host():
    Returns a random IP in the This decreases the likelihood of
    races for ports by 255^3.

    res = '127.{}.{}.{}'.format(random.randrange(1, 255),
                                random.randrange(1, 255),
                                random.randrange(2, 255),)

    return res

def get_ephemeral_port(port=0, host=None):
    Get an ephemeral socket at random from the kernel.

    port: `str`
        If specified, use this port as a base and the next free port after that
        base will be returned.
    host: `str`
        If specified, use this host. Otherwise it will use a temporary IP in
        the range
    Available port to use

    if host is None:
        host = get_ephemeral_host()

    # Dynamic port-range:
    # * cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
    # 32768   61000
    if port == 0:
        port = random.randrange(1024, 32768)

    while True:
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            s.bind((host, port))
            port = s.getsockname()[1]
            return port
        except socket.error:
            port = random.randrange(1024, 32768)

def get_ephemeral_address(iface):
    Get an ephemeral network address (IPv4:port) from an interface
    and a random port.

    iface: `str`
        The interface that will be used to find out the IPv4 address
        for the ephemeral address.
    A network address formed by iface's IPv4 address and an available
    randomly selected port.

    return f"{iface}:{get_ephemeral_port(host=get_ip_addr(iface))}"

def _process_exists(pid):
    Checks whether a given PID exists in the system

    pid: `int`
        The PID to check for

    True if a process with the provided `pid`  exists in the system.
    False Otherwise

        sh.ps(['-h', '-p', pid])
    except Exception:
        # sh.raises an Exception if the command doesn't return 0
        return False

    return True

class Daemon:
    def __init__(self, interface, workspace):

        self._address = get_ephemeral_address(interface)
        self._workspace = workspace

        self._cmd = sh.Command(gkfs_daemon_cmd, self._workspace.bindirs)
        self._env = os.environ.copy()

        libdirs = ':'.join(
                filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] +
                             [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs]))

        self._patched_env = {
            'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'      : libdirs,
            'GKFS_HOSTS_FILE'      : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file,
            'GKFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH' : self.logdir / gkfs_daemon_log_file,
            'GKFS_LOG_LEVEL'       : gkfs_daemon_log_level,

    def run(self):

        args = [ '--mountdir', self.mountdir,
                 '--rootdir', self.rootdir,
                 '-l', self._address ]

        logger.debug(f"spawning daemon")
        logger.debug(f"cmdline: {self._cmd} " + " ".join(map(str, args)))
        logger.debug(f"patched env:\n{pformat(self._patched_env)}")

        self._proc = self._cmd(
#                _out=sys.stdout,
#                _err=sys.stderr,

        logger.debug(f"daemon process spawned (PID={self._proc.pid})")
        logger.debug("waiting for daemon to be ready")
            self.wait_until_active(self._proc.pid, 10.0)
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.error(f"daemon initialization failed: {ex}")

            # if the daemon initialized correctly but took longer than
            # `timeout`, we may be leaving running processes behind
            if _process_exists(self._proc.pid):

            logger.critical(f"daemon was shut down, what is ex? {ex.__repr__}?")
            raise ex

        logger.debug("daemon is ready")
    def wait_until_active(self, pid, timeout, max_lines=50):
        Waits until a GKFS daemon is active or until a certain timeout
        has expired. Checks if the daemon is running by searching its
        log for a pre-defined readiness message.
        pid: `int`
            The PID of the daemon process to wait for.
        timeout: `number`
            The number of seconds to wait for
        max_lines: `int`
            The maximum number of log lines to check for a match.

        gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern = r'Startup successful. Daemon is ready.'
        init_time = perf_counter()
        while perf_counter() - init_time < timeout:
                logger.debug(f"checking log file")
                with open(self.logdir / gkfs_daemon_log_file) as log:
                    for line in islice(log, max_lines):
                        if re.search(gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern, line) is not None:
            except FileNotFoundError:
                # Log is missing, the daemon might have crashed...
                logger.debug(f"daemon log file missing, checking if daemon is alive...")

                if not _process_exists(pid):
                    raise RuntimeError(f"process {pid} is not running")
                # ... or it might just be lazy. let's give it some more time
                logger.debug(f"daemon {pid} found, retrying...")
        raise RuntimeError("initialization timeout exceeded")
        logger.debug(f"terminating daemon")

            err = self._proc.wait()
        except sh.SignalException_SIGTERM:

    def cwd(self):
        return self._workspace.twd

    def rootdir(self):
        return self._workspace.rootdir

    def mountdir(self):
        return self._workspace.mountdir

    def logdir(self):
        return self._workspace.logdir

    def interface(self):
        return self._interface

class _proxy_exec():
    def __init__(self, client, name):
        self._client = client
        self._name = name

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._client.run(self._name, *args, **kwargs)
    A class to represent a GekkoFS client process with a patched LD_PRELOAD.
    This class allows tests to interact with the file system using I/O-related
    function calls, be them system calls (e.g. read()) or glibc I/O functions
    (e.g. opendir()).
    def __init__(self, workspace):
        self._parser = IOParser()
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._cmd = sh.Command(gkfs_client_cmd, self._workspace.bindirs)
        self._env = os.environ.copy()

        libdirs = ':'.join(
                filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] +
                             [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs]))

        # ensure the client interception library is available:
        # to avoid running code with potentially installed libraries,
        # it must be found in one (and only one) of the workspace's bindirs
        preloads = []
        for d in self._workspace.bindirs:
            search_path = Path(d) / gkfs_client_lib_file
            if search_path.exists():

        if len(preloads) == 0:
            logger.error(f'No client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:')
            pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error. Check test logs.")

        if len(preloads) != 1:
            logger.error(f'Multiple client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:')
            for p in preloads:
                logger.error(f'  {p}')
            logger.error(f'Make sure that only one copy of the client library is available.')
            pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error. Check test logs.")
        self._preload_library = preloads[0]

        self._patched_env = {
            'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'      : libdirs,
            'LD_PRELOAD'           : self._preload_library,
            'LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE'   : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG'          : gkfs_client_log_level,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT'   : self._workspace.logdir / gkfs_client_log_file


    def preload_library(self):
        Return the preload library detected for this client

        return self._preload_library

    def run(self, cmd, *args):
        logger.debug(f"running client")
        logger.debug(f"cmdline: {self._cmd} " + " ".join(map(str, list(args))))
        logger.debug(f"patched env: {pformat(self._patched_env)}")

        out = self._cmd(
            [ cmd ] + list(args),
            _env = self._env,
    #        _out=sys.stdout,
    #        _err=sys.stderr,

        logger.debug(f"command output: {out.stdout}")
        return self._parser.parse(cmd, out.stdout)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return _proxy_exec(self, name)

    def cwd(self):
        return self._workspace.twd

class ShellCommand:
    A wrapper class for sh.RunningCommand that allows seamlessly using all
    its methods and properties plus extending it with additional methods
    for ease of use.

    def __init__(self, cmd, proc):
        self._parser = CommandParser()
        self._cmd = cmd
        self._wrapped_proc = proc

    def parsed_stdout(self):
        return self._parser.parse(self._cmd, self._wrapped_proc.stdout.decode())

    def parsed_stderr(self):
        return self._parser.parse(self._cmd, self._wrapped_proc.stderr.decode())

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if attr in self.__dict__:
            return getattr(self, attr)
        return getattr(self._wrapped_proc, attr)

class ShellClient:
    A class to represent a GekkoFS shell client process.
    This class allows tests to execute shell commands or scripts via bash -c
    on a GekkoFS instance.

    def __init__(self, workspace):
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._cmd = sh.Command("bash")
        self._env = os.environ.copy()

        libdirs = ':'.join(
                filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] +
                             [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs]))

        # ensure the client interception library is available:
        # to avoid running code with potentially installed libraries,
        # it must be found in one (and only one) of the workspace's bindirs
        preloads = []
        for d in self._workspace.bindirs:
            search_path = Path(d) / gkfs_client_lib_file
            if search_path.exists():

        if len(preloads) != 1:
            logger.error(f'Multiple client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:')
            for p in preloads:
                logger.error(f'  {p}')
            logger.error(f'Make sure that only one copy of the client library is available.')
            pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error")

        self._preload_library = preloads[0]

        self._patched_env = {
            'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'      : libdirs,
            'LD_PRELOAD'           : self._preload_library,
            'LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE'   : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG'          : gkfs_client_log_level,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT'   : self._workspace.logdir / gkfs_client_log_file


    def patched_environ(self):
        Return the patched environment required to run a test as a string that
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        can be prepended to a shell command.

        return ' '.join(f'{k}="{v}"' for k,v in self._patched_env.items())

    def script(self, code, intercept_shell=True, timeout=60, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL):
        Execute a shell script passed as an argument in bash.

        For instance, the following snippet:

            mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp')
            file01 = 'file01'

                    expected_pathname={mountdir / file01}
                    if [[ -e ${{expected_pathname}} ]];
                        exit 0
                    exit 1

        transforms into:

            bash -c '
                if [[ -e ${expected_pathname} ]];
                    exit 0
                exit 1

        Note that since we are using Python's f-strings, for variable
        expansions to work correctly, they need to be defined with double
        braces, e.g.  ${{expected_pathname}}.

        code: `str`
            The script code to be passed to 'bash -c'.

        intercept_shell: `bool`
            Controls whether the shell executing the script should be
            executed with LD_PRELOAD=libgkfs_intercept.so (default: True).

        timeout: `int`
            How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete.
            If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent
            the signal defined by `timeout_signal`.

            Default value: 60

        timeout_signal: `int`
            The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None.

            Default value: signal.SIGKILL

        A sh.RunningCommand instance that allows interacting with
        the finished process.

        logger.debug(f"running bash")
        logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{code}'")
        logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds")
        logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}")

        if intercept_shell:
            logger.debug(f"patched env: {self._patched_env}")

        # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero;
        # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we
        # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the
        # _ok_code argument
        return self._cmd('-c',
            _env = (self._env if intercept_shell else os.environ),
    #        _out=sys.stdout,
    #        _err=sys.stderr,
    #        _ok_code=list(range(0, 256))

    def run(self, cmd, *args, timeout=60, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL):
        Execute a shell command  with arguments.

        For example, the following snippet:

            mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp')
            file01 = 'file01'

            ShellClient().stat('--terse', mountdir / file01)

        transforms into:

            bash -c 'stat --terse /tmp/file01'

        cmd: `str`
            The command to execute.

        args: `list`
            The list of arguments for the command.

        timeout: `number`
            How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete.
            If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent
            the signal defined by `timeout_signal`.

            Default value: 60

        timeout_signal: `int`
            The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None.

            Default value: signal.SIGKILL

        A ShellCommand instance that allows interacting with the finished
        process. Note that ShellCommand wraps sh.RunningCommand and adds s
        extra properties to it.

        bash_c_args = f"{cmd} {' '.join(str(a) for a in args)}"
        logger.debug(f"running bash")
        logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{bash_c_args}'")
        logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds")
        logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}")
        logger.debug(f"patched env:\n{pformat(self._patched_env)}")

        # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero;
        # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we
        # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the
        # _ok_code argument
        proc = self._cmd('-c',
            _env = self._env,
    #        _out=sys.stdout,
    #        _err=sys.stderr,
    #        _ok_code=list(range(0, 256))

        return ShellCommand(cmd, proc)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return _proxy_exec(self, name)

    def cwd(self):
        return self._workspace.twd

class FwdDaemon:
    def __init__(self, interface, workspace):

        self._address = get_ephemeral_address(interface)
        self._workspace = workspace

        self._cmd = sh.Command(gkfs_daemon_cmd, self._workspace.bindirs)
        self._env = os.environ.copy()

        libdirs = ':'.join(
                filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] +
                             [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs]))

        self._patched_env = {
            'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'      : libdirs,
            'GKFS_HOSTS_FILE'      : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file,
            'GKFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH' : self.logdir / gkfs_daemon_log_file,
            'GKFS_LOG_LEVEL'       : gkfs_daemon_log_level

    def run(self):

        args = [ '--mountdir', self.mountdir,
                 '--rootdir', self.rootdir,
                 '-l', self._address ]

        logger.debug(f"spawning daemon")
        logger.debug(f"cmdline: {self._cmd} " + " ".join(map(str, args)))
        logger.debug(f"patched env:\n{pformat(self._patched_env)}")

        self._proc = self._cmd(
#                _out=sys.stdout,
#                _err=sys.stderr,

        logger.debug(f"daemon process spawned (PID={self._proc.pid})")
        logger.debug("waiting for daemon to be ready")

            self.wait_until_active(self._proc.pid, 10.0)
        except Exception as ex:
            logger.error(f"daemon initialization failed: {ex}")

            # if the daemon initialized correctly but took longer than
            # `timeout`, we may be leaving running processes behind
            if _process_exists(self._proc.pid):

            logger.critical(f"daemon was shut down, what is ex? {ex.__repr__}?")
            raise ex

        logger.debug("daemon is ready")

        return self

    def wait_until_active(self, pid, timeout, max_lines=50):
        Waits until a GKFS daemon is active or until a certain timeout
        has expired. Checks if the daemon is running by searching its
        log for a pre-defined readiness message.

        pid: `int`
            The PID of the daemon process to wait for.

        timeout: `number`
            The number of seconds to wait for

        max_lines: `int`
            The maximum number of log lines to check for a match.

        gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern = r'Startup successful. Daemon is ready.'

        init_time = perf_counter()

        while perf_counter() - init_time < timeout:
                logger.debug(f"checking log file")
                with open(self.logdir / gkfs_daemon_log_file) as log:
                    for line in islice(log, max_lines):
                        if re.search(gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern, line) is not None:
            except FileNotFoundError:
                # Log is missing, the daemon might have crashed...
                logger.debug(f"daemon log file missing, checking if daemon is alive...")


                if not _process_exists(pid):
                    raise RuntimeError(f"process {pid} is not running")

                # ... or it might just be lazy. let's give it some more time
                logger.debug(f"daemon {pid} found, retrying...")

        raise RuntimeError("initialization timeout exceeded")

    def shutdown(self):
        logger.debug(f"terminating daemon")

            err = self._proc.wait()
        except sh.SignalException_SIGTERM:
        except Exception:

    def cwd(self):
        return self._workspace.twd

    def rootdir(self):
        return self._workspace.rootdir

    def mountdir(self):
        return self._workspace.mountdir

    def logdir(self):
        return self._workspace.logdir

    def interface(self):
        return self._interface

class FwdClient:
    A class to represent a GekkoFS client process with a patched LD_PRELOAD.
    This class allows tests to interact with the file system using I/O-related
    function calls, be them system calls (e.g. read()) or glibc I/O functions
    (e.g. opendir()).
    def __init__(self, workspace):
        self._parser = IOParser()
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._cmd = sh.Command(gkfs_client_cmd, self._workspace.bindirs)
        self._env = os.environ.copy()

        # create the forwarding map file
        fwd_map_file = open(self.cwd / gkfs_forwarding_map_file, 'w')
        fwd_map_file.write('{} {}\n'.format(socket.gethostname(), 0))

        libdirs = ':'.join(
                filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] +
                             [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs]))

        # ensure the client interception library is available:
        # to avoid running code with potentially installed libraries,
        # it must be found in one (and only one) of the workspace's bindirs
        preloads = []
        for d in self._workspace.bindirs:
            search_path = Path(d) / gkfs_client_lib_file
            if search_path.exists():

        if len(preloads) == 0:
            logger.error(f'No client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:')
            pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error. Check test logs.")

        if len(preloads) != 1:
            logger.error(f'Multiple client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:')
            for p in preloads:
                logger.error(f'  {p}')
            logger.error(f'Make sure that only one copy of the client library is available.')
            pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error. Check test logs.")

        self._preload_library = preloads[0]

        self._patched_env = {
            'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'               : libdirs,
            'LD_PRELOAD'                    : self._preload_library,
            'LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE'            : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file,
            'LIBGKFS_FORWARDING_MAP_FILE'   : self.cwd / gkfs_forwarding_map_file,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG'                   : gkfs_client_log_level,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT'            : self._workspace.logdir / gkfs_client_log_file


    def preload_library(self):
        Return the preload library detected for this client

        return self._preload_library

    def run(self, cmd, *args):

        logger.debug(f"running client")
        logger.debug(f"cmdline: {self._cmd} " + " ".join(map(str, list(args))))
        logger.debug(f"patched env: {pformat(self._patched_env)}")

        out = self._cmd(
            [ cmd ] + list(args),
            _env = self._env,
    #        _out=sys.stdout,
    #        _err=sys.stderr,

        logger.debug(f"command output: {out.stdout}")
        return self._parser.parse(cmd, out.stdout)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return _proxy_exec(self, name)

    def cwd(self):
        return self._workspace.twd

class ShellFwdClient:
    A class to represent a GekkoFS shell client process.
    This class allows tests to execute shell commands or scripts via bash -c
    on a GekkoFS instance.

    def __init__(self, workspace):
        self._workspace = workspace
        self._cmd = sh.Command("bash")
        self._env = os.environ.copy()

        # create the forwarding map file
        fwd_map_file = open(self.cwd / gkfs_forwarding_map_file, 'w')
        fwd_map_file.write('{} {}\n'.format(socket.gethostname(), 0))

        libdirs = ':'.join(
                filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] +
                             [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs]))

        # ensure the client interception library is available:
        # to avoid running code with potentially installed libraries,
        # it must be found in one (and only one) of the workspace's bindirs
        preloads = []
        for d in self._workspace.bindirs:
            search_path = Path(d) / gkfs_client_lib_file
            if search_path.exists():

        if len(preloads) != 1:
            logger.error(f'Multiple client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:')
            for p in preloads:
                logger.error(f'  {p}')
            logger.error(f'Make sure that only one copy of the client library is available.')
            pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error")

        self._preload_library = preloads[0]

        self._patched_env = {
            'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'               : libdirs,
            'LD_PRELOAD'                    : self._preload_library,
            'LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE'            : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file,
            'LIBGKFS_FORWARDING_MAP_FILE'   : self.cwd / gkfs_forwarding_map_file,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG'                   : gkfs_client_log_level,
            'LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT'            : self._workspace.logdir / gkfs_client_log_file


    def patched_environ(self):
        Return the patched environment required to run a test as a string that
        can be prepended to a shell command.

        return ' '.join(f'{k}="{v}"' for k,v in self._patched_env.items())

    def script(self, code, intercept_shell=True, timeout=60, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL):
        Execute a shell script passed as an argument in bash.

        For instance, the following snippet:

            mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp')
            file01 = 'file01'

                    expected_pathname={mountdir / file01}
                    if [[ -e ${{expected_pathname}} ]];
                        exit 0
                    exit 1

        transforms into:

            bash -c '
                if [[ -e ${expected_pathname} ]];
                    exit 0
                exit 1

        Note that since we are using Python's f-strings, for variable
        expansions to work correctly, they need to be defined with double
        braces, e.g.  ${{expected_pathname}}.

        code: `str`
            The script code to be passed to 'bash -c'.

        intercept_shell: `bool`
            Controls whether the shell executing the script should be
            executed with LD_PRELOAD=libgkfs_intercept.so (default: True).

        timeout: `int`
            How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete.
            If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent
            the signal defined by `timeout_signal`.

            Default value: 60

        timeout_signal: `int`
            The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None.

            Default value: signal.SIGKILL

        A sh.RunningCommand instance that allows interacting with
        the finished process.

        logger.debug(f"running bash")
        logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{code}'")
        logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds")
        logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}")

        if intercept_shell:
            logger.debug(f"patched env: {self._patched_env}")

        # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero;
        # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we
        # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the
        # _ok_code argument
        return self._cmd('-c',
            _env = (self._env if intercept_shell else os.environ),
    #        _out=sys.stdout,
    #        _err=sys.stderr,
    #        _ok_code=list(range(0, 256))
    def run(self, cmd, *args, timeout=60, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL):
        Execute a shell command  with arguments.

        For example, the following snippet:

            mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp')
            file01 = 'file01'

            ShellClient().stat('--terse', mountdir / file01)

        transforms into:

            bash -c 'stat --terse /tmp/file01'

        cmd: `str`
            The command to execute.

        args: `list`
            The list of arguments for the command.

        timeout: `number`
            How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete.
            If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent
            the signal defined by `timeout_signal`.

            Default value: 60

        timeout_signal: `int`
            The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None.

            Default value: signal.SIGKILL

        A ShellCommand instance that allows interacting with the finished
        process. Note that ShellCommand wraps sh.RunningCommand and adds s
        extra properties to it.

        bash_c_args = f"{cmd} {' '.join(str(a) for a in args)}"
        logger.debug(f"running bash")
        logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{bash_c_args}'")
        logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds")
        logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}")
        logger.debug(f"patched env:\n{pformat(self._patched_env)}")

        # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero;
        # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we
        # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the