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Marc Vef committed
This is a file system.

# Dependencies

## Rocksdb

### Debian/Ubuntu - Dependencies

- Upgrade your gcc to version at least 4.8 to get C++11 support.
- Install gflags. First, try: `sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev` If this doesn't work and you're using Ubuntu, here's a nice tutorial: (
- Install snappy. This is usually as easy as: `sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev`
- Install zlib. Try: `sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev`
- Install bzip2: `sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev`
- Install zstandard: `sudo apt-get install libzstd-dev`
- Install lz4 `sudo apt-get install liblz4-dev`
### CentOS/Red Hat - Dependencies
- Upgrade your gcc to version at least 4.8 to get C++11 support: yum install gcc48-c++
- Install gflags:

    git clone
    cd gflags
    git checkout v2.0
    ./configure && make && sudo make install
__Notice:__ Once installed, please add the include path for gflags to your CPATH environment variable and the lib path to LIBRARY_PATH. If installed with default settings, the include path will be /usr/local/include and the lib path will be /usr/local/lib.
- Install snappy:
    `sudo yum install snappy snappy-devel`
- Install zlib:
    `sudo yum install zlib zlib-devel`
- Install bzip2:
    `sudo yum install bzip2 bzip2-devel`
- Install ASAN (optional for debugging):
    `sudo yum install libasan`
- Install zstandard:

   mv v1.1.3.tar.gz zstd-1.1.3.tar.gz
   tar zxvf zstd-1.1.3.tar.gz
   cd zstd-1.1.3
   make && sudo make install

## Mercury

- Install libev to get libev.h, ev.h etc.
`sudo apt install libev-dev` or `sudo apt install libev`

# Usage

## Clone and compile direct ADA-FS dependencies

- Go to the subfolder `ifs/scripts` and first clone all dependencies projects: `./ <git_clone_path>`
- Now use the install script to compile them and install them to the desired directory: `./ <git_clone_path> <install_path>`

## Compile ADA-FS
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

## Run ADA-FS

First on each node a daemon has to be started: 
`./build/bin/adafs_daemon -r <fs_data_path> -m <pseudo_mount_dir_path> --hosts <hosts_comma_separated>`

Metadata and actual data will be stored at the `<fs_data_path>`. The path where the application works on is set with `<pseudo_mount_dir_path>`

Run the application with the preload library: `LD_PRELOAD=<path>/build/lib/ ./application`

Please consult `configure.hpp` for log locations and verbosity, etc.