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Verified Commit 929181a4 authored by Marc Vef's avatar Marc Vef
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Proxy added (old version)

Hermes update

Integrate proxy into existing code base

small fixes

Missed adding some code

gkfs script updates, io500 config and mogon2 config update

gkfs run script proxy support

gkfs proxy runner bugfix

proxy client verbosity decrease

include missing

proxy create bug fix

Support lgetxattr()

remove proxy from script start and modify config.hpp

Adding get_chunk_stat proxy to client

Adding get_chunk_stat proxy to proxy

Adding get_chunk_stat proxy to daemon

Adding get_chunk_stat public id to client

Add warning when proxy is enabled but code is not run

Some Proxy log info

Adding get_dirents_single proxy to client

Adding get_dirents_single proxy to proxy

Adding get_dirents_single proxy to daemon

Adding get_dirents_single proxy public id to client

getdirents extended proxy bugfix
parent 0916c555
Pipeline #4441 failed with stages
in 1 minute and 35 seconds