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        Return the patched environment required to run a test as a string that
        can be prepended to a shell command.

        return ' '.join(f'{k}="{v}"' for k,v in self._patched_env.items())

    def script(self, code, intercept_shell=True, timeout=60, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL):
        Execute a shell script passed as an argument in bash.

        For instance, the following snippet:

            mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp')
            file01 = 'file01'

                    expected_pathname={mountdir / file01}
                    if [[ -e ${{expected_pathname}} ]];
                        exit 0
                    exit 1

        transforms into:

            bash -c '
                if [[ -e ${expected_pathname} ]];
                    exit 0
                exit 1

        Note that since we are using Python's f-strings, for variable
        expansions to work correctly, they need to be defined with double
        braces, e.g.  ${{expected_pathname}}.

        code: `str`
            The script code to be passed to 'bash -c'.

        intercept_shell: `bool`
            Controls whether the shell executing the script should be
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            executed with (default: True).
        timeout: `int`
            How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete.
            If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent
            the signal defined by `timeout_signal`.

            Default value: 60

        timeout_signal: `int`
            The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None.

            Default value: signal.SIGKILL

        A sh.RunningCommand instance that allows interacting with
        the finished process.

        logger.debug(f"running bash")
        logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{code}'")
        logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds")
        logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}")

        if intercept_shell:
            logger.debug(f"patched env: {self._patched_env}")

        # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero;
        # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we
        # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the
        # _ok_code argument
        return self._cmd('-c',
            _env = (self._env if intercept_shell else os.environ),
    #        _out=sys.stdout,
    #        _err=sys.stderr,
    #        _ok_code=list(range(0, 256))
    def run(self, cmd, *args, timeout=60, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL):
        Execute a shell command  with arguments.

        For example, the following snippet:

            mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp')
            file01 = 'file01'

            ShellClient().stat('--terse', mountdir / file01)

        transforms into:

            bash -c 'stat --terse /tmp/file01'

        cmd: `str`
            The command to execute.

        args: `list`
            The list of arguments for the command.

        timeout: `number`
            How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete.
            If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent
            the signal defined by `timeout_signal`.

            Default value: 60

        timeout_signal: `int`
            The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None.

            Default value: signal.SIGKILL

        A ShellCommand instance that allows interacting with the finished
        process. Note that ShellCommand wraps sh.RunningCommand and adds s
        extra properties to it.

        bash_c_args = f"{cmd} {' '.join(str(a) for a in args)}"
        logger.debug(f"running bash")
        logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{bash_c_args}'")
        logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds")
        logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}")
        logger.debug(f"patched env:\n{pformat(self._patched_env)}")

        # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero;
        # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we
        # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the
        # _ok_code argument
        proc = self._cmd('-c',
            _env = self._env,
    #        _out=sys.stdout,
    #        _err=sys.stderr,
    #        _ok_code=list(range(0, 256))

        return ShellCommand(cmd, proc)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return _proxy_exec(self, name)

    def cwd(self):
        return self._workspace.twd