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Resolve "Make `admire::error_code` a fully fledged class"

This MR redefines the admire::error_code typedef transforming it into a fully-fledged C++ object.

This has the following advantages:

  1. The default error_code constructor initializes to ADM_SUCCESS. Thus, we can now do error_code ec; instead of error_code ec = ADM_SUCCESS;.

  2. error_codes can be constructed explicitly from ADM_return_t values.

  3. error_codes can be constructed explicitly from int32_t (for RPC types).

  4. error_codes can be converted implicitly to ADM_return_t, which makes code less verbose when returning from C++ code to the C code.

  5. error_codes are convertible to bool. This means that we can now do

        error_code ec = fun();
        if(ec) { /* there was an error, do something */ }

    whereas previously we were forced to explicitly check against ADM_SUCCESS.

        error_code ec = fun();
        if(ec != ADM_SUCCESS) { /* there was an error, do something */ }
  6. error_codes provide value(), name(), and message() functions that make them much more flexible.

  7. Several error_code constants are defined to avoid using ADM_return_t directly in C++ code, hopefully making the code more readable:

       constexpr error_code error_code::success = error_code{ADM_SUCCESS};
       constexpr error_code error_code::snafu = error_code{ADM_ESNAFU};
       constexpr error_code error_code::bad_args = error_code{ADM_EBADARGS};
       constexpr error_code error_code::out_of_memory = error_code{ADM_ENOMEM};
       constexpr error_code error_code::entity_exists = error_code{ADM_EEXISTS};
       constexpr error_code error_code::no_such_entity = error_code{ADM_ENOENT};
       constexpr error_code error_code::adhoc_in_use = error_code{ADM_EADHOC_BUSY};
       constexpr error_code error_code::other = error_code{ADM_EOTHER};

Also, most of the implementation is constexpr, which is always nice.

Closes #81 (closed)

Edited by Alberto Miranda

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