# ADA-FS This is a file system. # Dependencies ## Rocksdb ### Debian/Ubuntu - Dependencies - Upgrade your gcc to version at least 4.8 to get C++11 support. - Install snappy. This is usually as easy as: `sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev` - Install zlib. Try: `sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev` - Install bzip2: `sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev` - Install zstandard: `sudo apt-get install libzstd-dev` - Install lz4 `sudo apt-get install liblz4-dev` ### CentOS/Red Hat - Dependencies - Upgrade your gcc to version at least 4.8 to get C++11 support: yum install gcc48-c++ - Install snappy: `sudo yum install snappy snappy-devel` - Install zlib: `sudo yum install zlib zlib-devel` - Install bzip2: `sudo yum install bzip2 bzip2-devel` - Install ASAN (optional for debugging): `sudo yum install libasan` - Install zstandard: ```bash wget https://github.com/facebook/zstd/archive/v1.1.3.tar.gz mv v1.1.3.tar.gz zstd-1.1.3.tar.gz tar zxvf zstd-1.1.3.tar.gz cd zstd-1.1.3 make && sudo make install ``` # Usage ## Clone and compile direct ADA-FS dependencies - Go to the `scripts` folder and first clone all dependencies projects. You can choose the according na_plugin (execute the script for help): ```bash usage: dl_dep.sh [-h] [-n ] [-c ] source_path This script gets all ADA-FS dependency sources (excluding the fs itself) positional arguments: source_path path where the dependency downloads are put optional arguments: -h, --help shows this help message and exits -n , --na network layer that is used for communication. Valid: {bmi,cci,ofi,all} defaults to 'all' -c , --cluster additional configurations for specific compute clusters supported clusters: {mogon1,fh2} ``` - Now use the install script to compile them and install them to the desired directory. You can choose the according na_plugin (execute the script for help): ```bash usage: compile_dep.sh [-h] [-n ] [-c ] [-j ] source_path install_path This script compiles all ADA-FS dependencies (excluding the fs itself) positional arguments: source_path path to the cloned dependencies path from clone_dep.sh install_path path to the install path of the compiled dependencies optional arguments: -h, --help shows this help message and exits -n , --na network layer that is used for communication. Valid: {bmi,cci,ofi,all} defaults to 'all' -c , --cluster additional configurations for specific compute clusters supported clusters: {mogon1,mogon2,fh2} -j , --compilecores number of cores that are used to compile the depdencies defaults to number of available cores ``` ## Compile ADA-FS You need to decide what Mercury NA plugin you want to use. The following NA plugins are available, although only BMI is considered stable at the moment. - `ofi+tcp` for using the libfabric plugin with TCP - `ofi+verbs` for using the libfabric plugin with Infiniband verbs (not threadsafe. Do not use.) - `ofi+psm2` for using the libfabric plugin with Intel Omni-Path - `cci+verbs` for using the cci plugin with Infiniband verbs - `bmi+tcp` for using the bmi plugin with the tcp protocol In addition you can add a specific directory where all dependencies are located, i.e., headers and libraries. This can be done by using `-DADAFS_DEPS_INSTALL=`. If the variable is not set this path points to `/usr/local`. ```bash mkdir build && cd build cmake -DADAFS_DEPS_INSTALL= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE={Release, Debug}} .. make ``` ## Run ADA-FS First on each node a daemon has to be started. This can be done in two ways using the `adafs_daemon` binary directly or the corresponding startup and shutdown scripts. The latter is recommended for cluster usage. It requires pssh (or parallel-ssh) with python2. ### Start and shut down daemon directly `./build/bin/adafs_daemon -r -m --hosts ` Shut it down by gracefully killing the process. ### Startup and shutdown scripts The scripts are located in `scripts/{startup_adafs.py, shutdown_adafs.py}`. Use the -h argument for their usage. ## Miscellaneous Metadata and actual data will be stored at the ``. The path where the application works on is set with `` Run the application with the preload library: `LD_PRELOAD=/build/lib/libiointer.so ./application`. In the case of an MPI application use the `{mpirun, mpiexec} -x` argument. ### Logging To enable logging the following environment variables are used: ADAFS_PRELOAD_LOG_PATH="" to set the path to the logging file of the client library. ADAFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH="" to set the path to the logging file of the daemon. ADAFS_LOG_LEVEL={off,critical,err,warn,info,debug,trace} to set the trace level verbosity. Numbers from 0-6 may also be used where as 0 is off and 6 represents trace.