/* Copyright 2018-2019, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain Copyright 2015-2019, Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz, Germany This software was partially supported by the EC H2020 funded project NEXTGenIO (Project ID: 671951, www.nextgenio.eu). This software was partially supported by the ADA-FS project under the SPPEXA project funded by the DFG. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include #include "version.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace bfs = boost::filesystem; static condition_variable shutdown_please; static mutex mtx; void init_environment() { // Initialize metadata db std::string metadata_path = GKFS_DATA->metadir() + "/rocksdb"s; GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Initializing metadata DB: '{}'", __func__, metadata_path); try { GKFS_DATA->mdb(std::make_shared(metadata_path)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("{}() Failed to initialize metadata DB: {}", __func__, e.what()); throw; } // Initialize data backend std::string chunk_storage_path = GKFS_DATA->rootdir() + "/data/chunks"s; GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Initializing storage backend: '{}'", __func__, chunk_storage_path); bfs::create_directories(chunk_storage_path); try { GKFS_DATA->storage(std::make_shared(chunk_storage_path, gkfs_config::rpc::chunksize)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("{}() Failed to initialize storage backend: {}", __func__, e.what()); throw; } // Init margo for RPC GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Initializing RPC server: '{}'", __func__, GKFS_DATA->bind_addr()); try { init_rpc_server(GKFS_DATA->bind_addr()); } catch (const std::exception& e) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("{}() Failed to initialize RPC server: {}", __func__, e.what()); throw; } // Init Argobots ESs to drive IO try { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Initializing I/O pool", __func__); init_io_tasklet_pool(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("{}() Failed to initialize Argobots pool for I/O: {}", __func__, e.what()); throw; } // TODO set metadata configurations. these have to go into a user configurable file that is parsed here GKFS_DATA->atime_state(gkfs_config::metadata::use_atime); GKFS_DATA->mtime_state(gkfs_config::metadata::use_mtime); GKFS_DATA->ctime_state(gkfs_config::metadata::use_ctime); GKFS_DATA->link_cnt_state(gkfs_config::metadata::use_link_cnt); GKFS_DATA->blocks_state(gkfs_config::metadata::use_blocks); // Create metadentry for root directory Metadata root_md{S_IFDIR | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO}; try { gkfs::metadentry::create("/", root_md); } catch (const std::exception& e) { throw runtime_error("Failed to write root metadentry to KV store: "s + e.what()); } // setup hostfile to let clients know that a daemon is running on this host if (!GKFS_DATA->hosts_file().empty()) { gkfs::util::populate_hosts_file(); } GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Startup successful. Daemon is ready."); } /** * Destroys the margo, argobots, and mercury environments */ void destroy_enviroment() { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Removing mount directory", __func__); boost::system::error_code ecode; bfs::remove_all(GKFS_DATA->mountdir(), ecode); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Freeing I/O executions streams", __func__); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < RPC_DATA->io_streams().size(); i++) { ABT_xstream_join(RPC_DATA->io_streams().at(i)); ABT_xstream_free(&RPC_DATA->io_streams().at(i)); } if (!GKFS_DATA->hosts_file().empty()) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Removing hosts file", __func__); try { gkfs::util::destroy_hosts_file(); } catch (const bfs::filesystem_error& e) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() hosts file not found", __func__); } } if (RPC_DATA->server_rpc_mid() != nullptr) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Finalizing margo RPC server", __func__); margo_finalize(RPC_DATA->server_rpc_mid()); } GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("{}() Closing metadata DB", __func__); GKFS_DATA->close_mdb(); } void init_io_tasklet_pool() { assert(gkfs_config::rpc::daemon_io_xstreams >= 0); unsigned int xstreams_num = gkfs_config::rpc::daemon_io_xstreams; //retrieve the pool of the just created scheduler ABT_pool pool; auto ret = ABT_pool_create_basic(ABT_POOL_FIFO_WAIT, ABT_POOL_ACCESS_MPMC, ABT_TRUE, &pool); if (ret != ABT_SUCCESS) { throw runtime_error("Failed to create I/O tasks pool"); } //create all subsequent xstream and the associated scheduler, all tapping into the same pool vector xstreams(xstreams_num); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xstreams_num; ++i) { ret = ABT_xstream_create_basic(ABT_SCHED_BASIC_WAIT, 1, &pool, ABT_SCHED_CONFIG_NULL, &xstreams[i]); if (ret != ABT_SUCCESS) { throw runtime_error("Failed to create task execution streams for I/O operations"); } } RPC_DATA->io_streams(xstreams); RPC_DATA->io_pool(pool); } void init_rpc_server(const string & protocol_port) { hg_addr_t addr_self; hg_size_t addr_self_cstring_sz = 128; char addr_self_cstring[128]; // IMPORTANT: this struct needs to be zeroed before use struct hg_init_info hg_options = {}; #if USE_SHM hg_options.auto_sm = HG_TRUE; #else hg_options.auto_sm = HG_FALSE; #endif hg_options.stats = HG_FALSE; hg_options.na_class = nullptr; // Start Margo (this will also initialize Argobots and Mercury internally) auto mid = margo_init_opt(protocol_port.c_str(), MARGO_SERVER_MODE, &hg_options, HG_TRUE, gkfs_config::rpc::daemon_handler_xstreams); if (mid == MARGO_INSTANCE_NULL) { throw runtime_error("Failed to initialize the Margo RPC server"); } // Figure out what address this server is listening on (must be freed when finished) auto hret = margo_addr_self(mid, &addr_self); if (hret != HG_SUCCESS) { margo_finalize(mid); throw runtime_error("Failed to retrieve server RPC address"); } // Convert the address to a cstring (with \0 terminator). hret = margo_addr_to_string(mid, addr_self_cstring, &addr_self_cstring_sz, addr_self); if (hret != HG_SUCCESS) { margo_addr_free(mid, addr_self); margo_finalize(mid); throw runtime_error("Failed to convert server RPC address to string"); } margo_addr_free(mid, addr_self); std::string addr_self_str(addr_self_cstring); RPC_DATA->self_addr_str(addr_self_str); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("{}() Accepting RPCs on address {}", __func__, addr_self_cstring); // Put context and class into RPC_data object RPC_DATA->server_rpc_mid(mid); // register RPCs register_server_rpcs(mid); } /** * Registers RPC handlers to Margo instance * @param hg_class */ void register_server_rpcs(margo_instance_id mid) { MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::fs_config, void, rpc_config_out_t, rpc_srv_fs_config); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::create, rpc_mk_node_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_mk_node); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::stat, rpc_path_only_in_t, rpc_stat_out_t, rpc_srv_stat); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::decr_size, rpc_trunc_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_decr_size); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::remove, rpc_rm_node_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_rm_node); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::update_metadentry, rpc_update_metadentry_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_update_metadentry); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::get_metadentry_size, rpc_path_only_in_t, rpc_get_metadentry_size_out_t, rpc_srv_get_metadentry_size); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::update_metadentry_size, rpc_update_metadentry_size_in_t, rpc_update_metadentry_size_out_t, rpc_srv_update_metadentry_size); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::get_dirents, rpc_get_dirents_in_t, rpc_get_dirents_out_t, rpc_srv_get_dirents); #ifdef HAS_SYMLINKS MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::mk_symlink, rpc_mk_symlink_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_mk_symlink); #endif MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::write_data, rpc_write_data_in_t, rpc_data_out_t, rpc_srv_write_data); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::read_data, rpc_read_data_in_t, rpc_data_out_t, rpc_srv_read_data); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::trunc_data, rpc_trunc_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_trunc_data); MARGO_REGISTER(mid, gkfs::hg_tag::chunk_stat, rpc_chunk_stat_in_t, rpc_chunk_stat_out_t, rpc_srv_chunk_stat); } void shutdown_handler(int dummy) { GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("{}() Received signal: '{}'", __func__, strsignal(dummy)); shutdown_please.notify_all(); } void initialize_loggers() { std::string path = gkfs_config::logging::daemon_log_path; // Try to get log path from env variable std::string env_path_key = DAEMON_ENV_PREFIX; env_path_key += "DAEMON_LOG_PATH"; char* env_path = getenv(env_path_key.c_str()); if (env_path != nullptr) { path = env_path; } spdlog::level::level_enum level = get_spdlog_level(gkfs_config::logging::daemon_log_level); // Try to get log path from env variable std::string env_level_key = DAEMON_ENV_PREFIX; env_level_key += "LOG_LEVEL"; char* env_level = getenv(env_level_key.c_str()); if (env_level != nullptr) { level = get_spdlog_level(env_level); } auto logger_names = std::vector{ "main", "MetadataDB", "ChunkStorage", }; setup_loggers(logger_names, level, path); } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { // Parse input po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Help message") ("mountdir,m", po::value()->required(), "User Fuse mountdir") ("rootdir,r", po::value()->required(), "data directory") ("metadir,i", po::value(), "metadata directory, if not set rootdir is used for metadata ") ("listen,l", po::value(), "Address or interface to bind the daemon on. Default: local hostname") ("hosts-file,H", po::value(), "Shared file used by deamons to register their " "enpoints. (default './gkfs_hosts.txt')") ("version,h", "print version and exit"); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); if (vm.count("help")) { cout << desc << "\n"; return 1; } if (vm.count("version")) { cout << GKFS_VERSION_STRING << endl; #ifndef NDEBUG cout << "Debug: ON" << endl; #else cout << "Debug: OFF" << endl; #endif cout << "RPC protocol: " << RPC_PROTOCOL << endl; #if USE_SHM cout << "Shared-memory comm: ON" << endl; #else cout << "Shared-memory comm: OFF" << endl; #endif #if CREATE_CHECK_PARENTS cout << "Create check parents: ON" << endl; #else cout << "Create check parents: OFF" << endl; #endif cout << "Chunk size: " << gkfs_config::rpc::chunksize << " bytes" << endl; return 0; } try { po::notify(vm); } catch (po::required_option& e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << "\n"; return 1; } initialize_loggers(); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger(spdlog::get("main")); string addr; if (vm.count("listen")) { addr = vm["listen"].as(); } else { addr = get_my_hostname(true); } GKFS_DATA->bind_addr(fmt::format("{}://{}", RPC_PROTOCOL, addr)); string hosts_file; if (vm.count("hosts-file")) { hosts_file = vm["hosts-file"].as(); } else { hosts_file = gkfs::env::get_var(gkfs::env::HOSTS_FILE, gkfs_config::hostfile_path); } GKFS_DATA->hosts_file(hosts_file); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("{}() Initializing environment", __func__); assert(vm.count("mountdir")); auto mountdir = vm["mountdir"].as(); // Create mountdir. We use this dir to get some information on the underlying fs with statfs in gkfs_statfs bfs::create_directories(mountdir); GKFS_DATA->mountdir(bfs::canonical(mountdir).native()); assert(vm.count("rootdir")); auto rootdir = vm["rootdir"].as(); auto rootdir_path = bfs::path(rootdir) / fmt::format_int(getpid()).str(); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Root directory: '{}'", __func__, rootdir_path.native()); bfs::create_directories(rootdir_path); GKFS_DATA->rootdir(rootdir_path.native()); if (vm.count("metadir")) { auto metadir = vm["metadir"].as(); bfs::create_directories(metadir); GKFS_DATA->metadir(bfs::canonical(metadir).native()); } else { // use rootdir as metadata dir GKFS_DATA->metadir(GKFS_DATA->rootdir()); } try { init_environment(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { auto emsg = fmt::format("Failed to initialize environment: {}", e.what()); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error(emsg); cerr << emsg << endl; destroy_enviroment(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } signal(SIGINT, shutdown_handler); signal(SIGTERM, shutdown_handler); signal(SIGKILL, shutdown_handler); unique_lock lk(mtx); // Wait for shutdown signal to initiate shutdown protocols shutdown_please.wait(lk); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("{}() Shutting down...", __func__); destroy_enviroment(); GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("{}() Complete. Exiting...", __func__); return 0; }