#!/bin/bash usage_short() { echo " usage: compile_dep.sh [-h] [-n ] [-c ] [-j ] source_path install_path " } help_msg() { usage_short echo " This script compiles all ADA-FS dependencies (excluding the fs itself) positional arguments: source_path path to the cloned dependencies path from clone_dep.sh install_path path to the install path of the compiled dependencies optional arguments: -h, --help shows this help message and exits -n , --na network layer that is used for communication. Valid: {bmi,cci,ofi,all} defaults to 'all' -c , --cluster additional configurations for specific compute clusters supported clusters: {mogon1,mogon2,fh2} -j , --compilecores number of cores that are used to compile the depdencies defaults to number of available cores " } prepare_build_dir() { if [ ! -d "$1/build" ]; then mkdir $1/build fi rm -rf $1/build/* } PATCH_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" PATCH_DIR="${PATCH_DIR}/patches" CLUSTER="" NA_LAYER="" CORES="" SOURCE="" INSTALL="" POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case ${key} in -n|--na) NA_LAYER="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -c|--cluster) CLUSTER="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -j|--compilecores) CORES="$2" shift # past argument shift # past value ;; -h|--help) help_msg exit #shift # past argument ;; *) # unknown option POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters # deal with positional arguments if [[ ( -z ${1+x} ) || ( -z ${2+x} ) ]]; then echo "Positional arguments missing." usage_short exit fi SOURCE=$1 INSTALL=$2 # deal with optional arguments if [ "${NA_LAYER}" == "" ]; then echo "Defaulting NAPLUGIN to 'all'" NA_LAYER="all" fi if [ "${CORES}" == "" ]; then CORES=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) echo "CORES = ${CORES} (default)" else if [ ! "${CORES}" -gt "0" ]; then echo "CORES set to ${CORES} which is invalid. Input must be numeric and greater than 0." usage_short exit else echo CORES = "${CORES}" fi fi if [ "${NA_LAYER}" == "cci" ] || [ "${NA_LAYER}" == "bmi" ] || [ "${NA_LAYER}" == "ofi" ] || [ "${NA_LAYER}" == "all" ]; then echo NAPLUGIN = "${NA_LAYER}" else echo "No valid plugin selected" usage_short exit fi if [[ "${CLUSTER}" != "" ]]; then if [[ ( "${CLUSTER}" == "mogon1" ) || ( "${CLUSTER}" == "fh2" ) || ( "${CLUSTER}" == "mogon2" ) ]]; then echo CLUSTER = "${CLUSTER}" else echo "${CLUSTER} cluster configuration is invalid. Exiting ..." usage_short exit fi else echo "No cluster configuration set." fi #LOG=/tmp/adafs_install.log #echo "" &> $LOG USE_BMI="-DNA_USE_BMI:BOOL=OFF" USE_CCI="-DNA_USE_CCI:BOOL=OFF" USE_OFI="-DNA_USE_OFI:BOOL=OFF" echo "Source path = '$1'"; echo "Install path = '$2'"; mkdir -p ${SOURCE} # Set cluster dependencies first if [[ ( "${CLUSTER}" == "mogon1" ) || ( "${CLUSTER}" == "fh2" ) || ( "${CLUSTER}" == "mogon2" ) ]]; then # get libtool echo "############################################################ Installing: libtool" CURR=${SOURCE}/libtool prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR}/build ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 # compile libev echo "############################################################ Installing: libev" CURR=${SOURCE}/libev prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR}/build ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 # compile gflags echo "############################################################ Installing: gflags" CURR=${SOURCE}/gflags prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR}/build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release .. || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 # compile zstd echo "############################################################ Installing: zstd" CURR=${SOURCE}/zstd/build/cmake prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR}/build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release .. || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 echo "############################################################ Installing: lz4" CURR=${SOURCE}/lz4 cd ${CURR} make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make DESTDIR=${INSTALL} PREFIX="" install || exit 1 echo "############################################################ Installing: snappy" CURR=${SOURCE}/snappy prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR}/build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release .. || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 fi if [ "$NA_LAYER" == "bmi" ] || [ "$NA_LAYER" == "all" ]; then USE_BMI="-DNA_USE_BMI:BOOL=ON" echo "############################################################ Installing: BMI" # BMI CURR=${SOURCE}/bmi prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR} ./prepare || exit 1 cd ${CURR}/build ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} --enable-shared --enable-bmi-only || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 fi if [ "$NA_LAYER" == "cci" ] || [ "$NA_LAYER" == "all" ]; then USE_CCI="-DNA_USE_CCI:BOOL=ON" echo "############################################################ Installing: CCI" # CCI CURR=${SOURCE}/cci prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR} # patch hanging issue echo "########## ADA-FS injection: Applying cci hanging patch" git apply ${PATCH_DIR}/cci_hang_final.patch || exit 1 echo "########## ADA-FS injection: Disabling cci debug mode/devel mode entirely" git apply ${PATCH_DIR}/cci_remove_devel_mode.patch || exit 1 ./autogen.pl || exit 1 cd ${CURR}/build if [[ ("${CLUSTER}" == "mogon1") || ("${CLUSTER}" == "fh2") ]]; then ../configure --with-verbs --prefix=${INSTALL} LIBS="-lpthread" || exit 1 else ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} LIBS="-lpthread" || exit 1 fi echo "########## ADA-FS injection: Replacing any remaining CFLAGS with '-g -O2' that are added by cci although debug mode is disabled with '-O3'" find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/-g -O2/-O3/g' {} \; make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 make check || exit 1 fi if [ "$NA_LAYER" == "ofi" ] || [ "$NA_LAYER" == "all" ]; then USE_OFI="-DNA_USE_OFI:BOOL=ON" # Mogon2 already has libfabric installed in a version that Mercury supports. if [[ ("${CLUSTER}" != "mogon2") ]]; then echo "############################################################ Installing: LibFabric" #libfabric CURR=${SOURCE}/libfabric prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR} ./autogen.sh || exit 1 cd ${CURR}/build ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 make check || exit 1 fi fi echo "############################################################ Installing: Mercury" # Mercury CURR=${SOURCE}/mercury prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR} if [ "$NA_LAYER" == "cci" ] || [ "$NA_LAYER" == "all" ]; then # patch cci verbs addr lookup error handling echo "########## Applying cci addr lookup error handling patch" git apply ${PATCH_DIR}/mercury_cci_verbs_lookup.patch || exit 1 fi cd ${CURR}/build # XXX Note: USE_EAGER_BULK is temporarily disabled due to bugs in Mercury with smaller amounts of data # Apparantly this is fixed in the new Mercury version. TODO check if it works now cmake -DMERCURY_USE_SELF_FORWARD:BOOL=ON -DMERCURY_USE_CHECKSUMS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_TESTING:BOOL=ON \ -DMERCURY_USE_BOOST_PP:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL} \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DMERCURY_USE_EAGER_BULK:BOOL=ON ${USE_BMI} ${USE_CCI} ${USE_OFI} ../ || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 echo "############################################################ Installing: Argobots" # Argobots CURR=${SOURCE}/argobots prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR} ./autogen.sh || exit 1 cd ${CURR}/build ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 make check || exit 1 echo "############################################################ Installing: Abt-snoozer" # Abt snoozer CURR=${SOURCE}/abt-snoozer prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR} ./prepare.sh || exit 1 cd ${CURR}/build ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${INSTALL}/lib/pkgconfig || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 make check || exit 1 echo "############################################################ Installing: Margo" # Margo CURR=${SOURCE}/margo prepare_build_dir ${CURR} cd ${CURR} ./prepare.sh || exit 1 cd ${CURR}/build ../configure --prefix=${INSTALL} PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${INSTALL}/lib/pkgconfig CFLAGS="-g -Wall" || exit 1 make -j${CORES} || exit 1 make install || exit 1 make check || exit 1 echo "############################################################ Installing: Rocksdb" # Rocksdb CURR=${SOURCE}/rocksdb cd ${CURR} make clean || exit 1 sed -i.bak "s#INSTALL_PATH ?= /usr/local#INSTALL_PATH ?= ${INSTALL}#g" Makefile make -j${CORES} static_lib || exit 1 make install || exit 1 echo "Done"