/* Copyright 2018-2019, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain Copyright 2015-2019, Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz, Germany This software was partially supported by the EC H2020 funded project NEXTGenIO (Project ID: 671951, www.nextgenio.eu). This software was partially supported by the ADA-FS project under the SPPEXA project funded by the DFG. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #ifndef GKFS_CLIENT_ENV #define GKFS_CLIENT_ENV #include #define ADD_PREFIX(str) CLIENT_ENV_PREFIX str /* Environment variables for the GekkoFS client */ namespace gkfs { namespace env { static constexpr auto LOG = ADD_PREFIX("LOG"); #ifdef GKFS_DEBUG_BUILD static constexpr auto LOG_SYSCALL_FILTER = ADD_PREFIX("LOG_SYSCALL_FILTER"); #endif static constexpr auto LOG_OUTPUT = ADD_PREFIX("LOG_OUTPUT"); static constexpr auto LOG_OUTPUT_TRUNC = ADD_PREFIX("LOG_OUTPUT_TRUNC"); static constexpr auto CWD = ADD_PREFIX("CWD"); static constexpr auto HOSTS_FILE = ADD_PREFIX("HOSTS_FILE"); } // namespace env } // namespace gkfs #undef ADD_PREFIX #endif // GKFS_CLIENT_ENV