################################################################################ # Copyright 2018-2020, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain # # Copyright 2015-2020, Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz, Germany # # # # This software was partially supported by the # # EC H2020 funded project NEXTGenIO (Project ID: 671951, www.nextgenio.eu). # # # # This software was partially supported by the # # ADA-FS project under the SPPEXA project funded by the DFG. # # # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # ################################################################################ import os, sh, sys, re, pytest, signal import random, socket, netifaces from pathlib import Path from itertools import islice from harness.logger import logger from harness.io import IOParser from harness.cmd import CommandParser ### some definitions required to interface with the client/daemon gkfs_daemon_cmd = 'gkfs_daemon' gkfs_client_cmd = 'gkfs.io' gkfs_client_lib_file = 'libgkfs_intercept.so' gkfs_hosts_file = 'gkfs_hosts.txt' gkfs_daemon_log_file = 'gkfs_daemon.log' gkfs_daemon_log_level = '100' gkfs_client_log_file = 'gkfs_client.log' gkfs_client_log_level = 'all' gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern = r'Startup successful. Daemon is ready.' def get_ip_addr(iface): return netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr'] def get_ephemeral_host(): """ Returns a random IP in the This decreases the likelihood of races for ports by 255^3. """ res = '127.{}.{}.{}'.format(random.randrange(1, 255), random.randrange(1, 255), random.randrange(2, 255),) return res def get_ephemeral_port(port=0, host=None): """ Get an ephemeral socket at random from the kernel. Parameters ---------- port: `str` If specified, use this port as a base and the next free port after that base will be returned. host: `str` If specified, use this host. Otherwise it will use a temporary IP in the range Returns ------- Available port to use """ if host is None: host = get_ephemeral_host() # Dynamic port-range: # * cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range # 32768 61000 if port == 0: port = random.randrange(1024, 32768) while True: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((host, port)) port = s.getsockname()[1] s.close() return port except socket.error: port = random.randrange(1024, 32768) def get_ephemeral_address(iface): """ Get an ephemeral network address (IPv4:port) from an interface and a random port. Parameters ---------- iface: `str` The interface that will be used to find out the IPv4 address for the ephemeral address. Returns ------- A network address formed by iface's IPv4 address and an available randomly selected port. """ return f"{iface}:{get_ephemeral_port(host=get_ip_addr(iface))}" class Daemon: def __init__(self, interface, workspace): self._address = get_ephemeral_address(interface) self._workspace = workspace self._cmd = sh.Command(gkfs_daemon_cmd, self._workspace.bindirs) self._env = os.environ.copy() libdirs = ':'.join( filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] + [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs])) self._patched_env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : libdirs, 'GKFS_HOSTS_FILE' : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file, 'GKFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH' : self.logdir / gkfs_daemon_log_file, 'GKFS_LOG_LEVEL' : gkfs_daemon_log_level, } self._env.update(self._patched_env) def run(self): args = [ '--mountdir', self.mountdir, '--rootdir', self.rootdir, '-l', self._address ] logger.debug(f"spawning daemon") logger.debug(f"cmdline: {self._cmd} " + " ".join(map(str, args))) logger.debug(f"env: {self._patched_env}") self._proc = self._cmd( args, _env=self._env, # _out=sys.stdout, # _err=sys.stderr, _bg=True, ) logger.debug(f"daemon process spawned (PID={self._proc.pid})") # make sure daemon is ready to accept requests if not self.wait_until_active(self._proc.pid): raise RuntimeError("GKFS daemon doesn't seem to be active") return self def wait_until_active(self, pid, retries=500, max_lines=50): """ Waits until a GKFS daemon is active or until a certain number of retries has been exhausted. Checks if the daemon is running by searching its log for a pre-defined readiness message. Parameters ---------- pid: `int` The PID of the daemon process to wait for. retries: `int` The number of retries before giving up. max_lines: `int` The maximum number of log lines to check for a match. Returns ------- True if the message is found, False if the log file doesn't exist or the message can't be found. """ gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern = r'Startup successful. Daemon is ready.' is_active = False # wait a bit for the daemon to initialize sh.sleep(0.1) r = 0 while not is_active and r < retries: r += 1 try: #logger.debug(f"checking log file") with open(self.logdir / gkfs_daemon_log_file) as log: for line in islice(log, max_lines): if re.search(gkfs_daemon_active_log_pattern, line) is not None: return True except FileNotFoundError: # Log is missing, the daemon might have crashed... logger.debug(f"daemon log file missing, checking if daemon is alive") pid=self._proc.pid try: sh.ps(['-h', '-p', pid]) except Exception: logger.error(f"daemon process {pid} is not running") raise # ... or it might just be lazy. let's give it some more time sh.sleep(0.05) pass return False def shutdown(self): logger.debug(f"terminating daemon") try: self._proc.terminate() err = self._proc.wait() except sh.SignalException_SIGTERM: pass @property def cwd(self): return self._workspace.twd @property def rootdir(self): return self._workspace.rootdir @property def mountdir(self): return self._workspace.mountdir @property def logdir(self): return self._workspace.logdir @property def interface(self): return self._interface class _proxy_exec(): def __init__(self, client, name): self._client = client self._name = name def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._client.run(self._name, *args, **kwargs) class Client: """ A class to represent a GekkoFS client process with a patched LD_PRELOAD. This class allows tests to interact with the file system using I/O-related function calls, be them system calls (e.g. read()) or glibc I/O functions (e.g. opendir()). """ def __init__(self, workspace): self._parser = IOParser() self._workspace = workspace self._cmd = sh.Command(gkfs_client_cmd, self._workspace.bindirs) self._env = os.environ.copy() libdirs = ':'.join( filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] + [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs])) # ensure the client interception library is available: # to avoid running code with potentially installed libraries, # it must be found in one (and only one) of the workspace's bindirs preloads = [] for d in self._workspace.bindirs: search_path = Path(d) / gkfs_client_lib_file if search_path.exists(): preloads.append(search_path) if len(preloads) != 1: logger.error(f'Multiple client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:') for p in preloads: logger.error(f' {p}') logger.error(f'Make sure that only one copy of the client library is available.') pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error") self._preload_library = preloads[0] self._patched_env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : libdirs, 'LD_PRELOAD' : self._preload_library, 'LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE' : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file, 'LIBGKFS_LOG' : gkfs_client_log_level, 'LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT' : self._workspace.logdir / gkfs_client_log_file } self._env.update(self._patched_env) @property def preload_library(self): """ Return the preload library detected for this client """ return self._preload_library def run(self, cmd, *args): logger.debug(f"running client") logger.debug(f"cmdline: {self._cmd} " + " ".join(map(str, list(args)))) logger.debug(f"env: {self._patched_env}") out = self._cmd( [ cmd ] + list(args), _env = self._env, # _out=sys.stdout, # _err=sys.stderr, ) logger.debug(f"command output: {out.stdout}") return self._parser.parse(cmd, out.stdout) def __getattr__(self, name): return _proxy_exec(self, name) @property def cwd(self): return self._workspace.twd class ShellCommand: """ A wrapper class for sh.RunningCommand that allows seamlessly using all its methods and properties plus extending it with additional methods for ease of use. """ def __init__(self, cmd, proc): self._parser = CommandParser() self._cmd = cmd self._wrapped_proc = proc @property def parsed_stdout(self): return self._parser.parse(self._cmd, self._wrapped_proc.stdout.decode()) @property def parsed_stderr(self): return self._parser.parse(self._cmd, self._wrapped_proc.stderr.decode()) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, attr) return getattr(self._wrapped_proc, attr) class ShellClient: """ A class to represent a GekkoFS shell client process. This class allows tests to execute shell commands or scripts via bash -c on a GekkoFS instance. """ def __init__(self, workspace): self._workspace = workspace self._cmd = sh.Command("bash") self._env = os.environ.copy() libdirs = ':'.join( filter(None, [os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')] + [str(p) for p in self._workspace.libdirs])) # ensure the client interception library is available: # to avoid running code with potentially installed libraries, # it must be found in one (and only one) of the workspace's bindirs preloads = [] for d in self._workspace.bindirs: search_path = Path(d) / gkfs_client_lib_file if search_path.exists(): preloads.append(search_path) if len(preloads) != 1: logger.error(f'Multiple client libraries found in the test\'s binary directories:') for p in preloads: logger.error(f' {p}') logger.error(f'Make sure that only one copy of the client library is available.') pytest.exit("Aborted due to initialization error") self._preload_library = preloads[0] self._patched_env = { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : libdirs, 'LD_PRELOAD' : self._preload_library, 'LIBGKFS_HOSTS_FILE' : self.cwd / gkfs_hosts_file, 'LIBGKFS_LOG' : gkfs_client_log_level, 'LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT' : self._workspace.logdir / gkfs_client_log_file } self._env.update(self._patched_env) @property def patched_environ(self): """ Return the patched environment required to run a test as a string that can be prepended to a shell command. """ return ' '.join(f'{k}="{v}"' for k,v in self._patched_env.items()) def script(self, code, intercept_shell=True, timeout=None, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL): """ Execute a shell script passed as an argument in bash. For instance, the following snippet: mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp') file01 = 'file01' ShellClient().script( f''' expected_pathname={mountdir / file01} if [[ -e ${{expected_pathname}} ]]; then exit 0 fi exit 1 ''') transforms into: bash -c ' expected_pathname=/tmp/file01 if [[ -e ${expected_pathname} ]]; then exit 0 fi exit 1 ' Note that since we are using Python's f-strings, for variable expansions to work correctly, they need to be defined with double braces, e.g. ${{expected_pathname}}. Parameters ---------- code: `str` The script code to be passed to 'bash -c'. intercept_shell: `bool` Controls whether the shell executing the script should be executed with LD_PRELOAD=libgkfs_intercept.so (default: True). timeout: `int` How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete. If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent the signal defined by `timeout_signal`. Default value: None timeout_signal: `int` The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None. Default value: signal.SIGKILL Returns ------- A sh.RunningCommand instance that allows interacting with the finished process. """ logger.debug(f"running bash") logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{code}'") logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds") logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}") if intercept_shell: logger.debug(f"env: {self._patched_env}") # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero; # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the # _ok_code argument return self._cmd('-c', code, _env = (self._env if intercept_shell else os.environ), # _out=sys.stdout, # _err=sys.stderr, _timeout=timeout, _timeout_signal=timeout_signal, _ok_code=list(range(0, 256)) ) def run(self, cmd, *args, timeout=None, timeout_signal=signal.SIGKILL): """ Execute a shell command with arguments. For example, the following snippet: mountdir = pathlib.Path('/tmp') file01 = 'file01' ShellClient().stat('--terse', mountdir / file01) transforms into: bash -c 'stat --terse /tmp/file01' Parameters: ----------- cmd: `str` The command to execute. args: `list` The list of arguments for the command. timeout: `number` How much time, in seconds, we should give the process to complete. If the process does not finish within the timeout, it will be sent the signal defined by `timeout_signal`. Default value: None timeout_signal: `int` The signal to be sent to the process if `timeout` is not None. Default value: signal.SIGKILL Returns ------- A ShellCommand instance that allows interacting with the finished process. Note that ShellCommand wraps sh.RunningCommand and adds s extra properties to it. """ bash_c_args = f"{cmd} {' '.join(str(a) for a in args)}" logger.debug(f"running bash") logger.debug(f"cmd: bash -c '{bash_c_args}'") logger.debug(f"timeout: {timeout} seconds") logger.debug(f"timeout_signal: {signal.Signals(timeout_signal).name}") logger.debug(f"env: {self._patched_env}") # 'sh' raises an exception if the return code is not zero; # since we'd rather check for return codes explictly, we # whitelist all exit codes from 1 to 255 as 'ok' using the # _ok_code argument proc = self._cmd('-c', bash_c_args, _env = self._env, # _out=sys.stdout, # _err=sys.stderr, _timeout=timeout, _timeout_signal=timeout_signal, _ok_code=list(range(0, 256)) ) return ShellCommand(cmd, proc) def __getattr__(self, name): return _proxy_exec(self, name) @property def cwd(self): return self._workspace.twd