stages: - check format - download deps - build deps - build - test - report variables: DEPS_SRC_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/deps/src" DEPS_INSTALL_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/deps/install" DEPS_COMMIT: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/deps/install/gkfs_deps_commit" BUILD_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/gkfs/build" INSTALL_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/gkfs/install" INTEGRATION_TESTS_BIN_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/gkfs/install/share/gkfs/tests/integration" INTEGRATION_TESTS_RUN_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/gkfs/install/share/gkfs/tests/integration/run" TESTS_BUILD_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/test/build" PYTEST: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/gkfs/install/share/gkfs/tests/integration/pytest-venv/bin/py.test" LOG_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/logs" LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/deps/install/lib;${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/deps/install/lib64" # Configuration variables GKFS_LOG_LEVEL: "100" GKFS_DAEMON_LOG_PATH: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/logs/daemon.log" LIBGKFS_LOG: "all" LIBGKFS_LOG_OUTPUT: "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/logs/gkfs_client.log" GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive image: gekkofs/gekkofs:build_env-0.8.0 check format: stage: check format script: - ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/scripts/ -s "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/src" -i "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/include" -v compile dependencies: stage: build deps cache: key: deps-cache paths: - ${DEPS_INSTALL_PATH}/ script: # Folder of built dependencies is cached and marked with the ID of the commit from which have been built. # If the download and compile script have been modified the cache gets invalidated and dependencies will be built again. - ( [ -f "${DEPS_COMMIT}" ] && git diff --quiet "`cat ${DEPS_COMMIT}`" -- scripts/ scripts/ ) || ( rm -f ${DEPS_COMMIT} && scripts/ ${DEPS_SRC_PATH} -n ofi -c ci && scripts/ -n ofi -c ci ${DEPS_SRC_PATH} ${DEPS_INSTALL_PATH} && echo "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" > "${DEPS_COMMIT}" ) artifacts: paths: - ${DEPS_INSTALL_PATH} compile GekkoFS: stage: build dependencies: - "compile dependencies" script: - mkdir -p ${BUILD_PATH} && cd ${BUILD_PATH} - cmake -Wdev -Wdeprecate -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DGKFS_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE:BOOL=ON -DGKFS_BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON -DGKFS_INSTALL_TESTS:BOOL=ON -DGKFS_ENABLE_FORWARDING:BOOL=ON -DGKFS_ENABLE_AGIOS:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${DEPS_INSTALL_PATH} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${INSTALL_PATH} ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} - make -j$(nproc) install - find ${BUILD_PATH} -name "*.o" -delete # cleanup nlohmann_json: it includes around 500MiB of test data - rm -rf ${BUILD_PATH}/_deps/nlohmann_json-src/test/data - rm -rf ${BUILD_PATH}/_deps/nlohmann_json-src/benchmarks/data - rm -rf ${BUILD_PATH}/_deps/nlohmann_json-src/.git artifacts: paths: - ${BUILD_PATH} - ${INSTALL_PATH} exclude: # remove object files - ${BUILD_PATH}/**/*.o compile tests: stage: build dependencies: - "compile dependencies" script: - mkdir -p ${TESTS_BUILD_PATH} && cd ${TESTS_BUILD_PATH} - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. - make -j$(nproc) artifacts: paths: - ${TESTS_BUILD_PATH} integration tests: stage: test script: ## run tests - cd ${BUILD_PATH}/tests/integration - unbuffer ${PYTEST} -v | tee session.log ## capture coverage information - cd ${BUILD_PATH} - ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/scripts/ci/ --capture integration --root-dir ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} --build-dir ${BUILD_PATH} --exclusions "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/scripts/ci/.coverage-exclusions" artifacts: # when: on_failure paths: # - "${INTEGRATION_TESTS_RUN_PATH}" - ${BUILD_PATH} unit: stage: test script: ## run actual tests - cd ${BUILD_PATH} - ctest -j $(nproc) -L unit::all ## capture coverage information - ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/scripts/ci/ --capture unit --root-dir ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} --build-dir ${BUILD_PATH} --exclusions "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/scripts/ci/.coverage-exclusions" artifacts: # when: on_failure paths: - ${BUILD_PATH} # - Testing test wr: stage: test script: - mkdir -p "${LOG_PATH}" - ${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/gkfs_daemon --mount /tmp/mountdir --root /tmp/root & - sleep 4 - LD_PRELOAD=${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/ ${TESTS_BUILD_PATH}/gkfs_test_wr artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - "${LOG_PATH}" test directories: stage: test script: - mkdir -p "${LOG_PATH}" - ${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/gkfs_daemon --mount /tmp/mountdir --root /tmp/root & - sleep 4 - LD_PRELOAD=${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/ ${TESTS_BUILD_PATH}/gkfs_test_dir artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - "${LOG_PATH}" test truncate: stage: test script: - mkdir -p "${LOG_PATH}" - ${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/gkfs_daemon --mount /tmp/mountdir --root /tmp/root & - sleep 4 - LD_PRELOAD=${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/ ${TESTS_BUILD_PATH}/gkfs_test_truncate artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - "${LOG_PATH}" test lseek: stage: test script: - mkdir -p "${LOG_PATH}" - ${INSTALL_PATH}/bin/gkfs_daemon --mount /tmp/mountdir --root /tmp/root & - sleep 4 - LD_PRELOAD=${INSTALL_PATH}/lib/ ${TESTS_BUILD_PATH}/gkfs_test_lseek artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - "${LOG_PATH}" ################################################################################ ## Generation of code coverage reports ################################################################################ coverage: stage: report image: gekkofs/coverage script: - cd ${BUILD_PATH} ## merge the partial coverage files from each test in the pipeline - ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/scripts/ci/ --merge --root-dir ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} --build-dir ${BUILD_PATH} artifacts: reports: cobertura: ${BUILD_PATH}/.coverage/coverage-cobertura.xml paths: - ${BUILD_PATH}/.coverage expire_in: 2 weeks