include(FetchContent) # get Catch2 set(FETCHCONTENT_QUIET OFF) FetchContent_Declare(catch2 GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG 255aa5f2afe1a622c97422f65ace6ca915be0d8d # v2.11.3 GIT_SHALLOW ON GIT_PROGRESS ON ) FetchContent_GetProperties(catch2) if(NOT catch2_POPULATED) FetchContent_Populate(catch2) message(STATUS "[gkfs] Catch2 source dir: ${catch2_SOURCE_DIR}") message(STATUS "[gkfs] Catch2 binary dir: ${catch2_BINARY_DIR}") set(CATCH_BUILD_TESTING OFF CACHE INTERNAL "") add_subdirectory(${catch2_SOURCE_DIR} ${catch2_BINARY_DIR}) endif() # create a convenience library with Catch2's main # to speed up test compilation add_library(catch2_main STATIC catch_main.cpp ) target_link_libraries(catch2_main Catch2::Catch2 ) # define executables for tests and make them depend on the convenience # library (and Catch2 transitively) and fmt add_executable(tests test_example_00.cpp test_example_01.cpp test_storage_pmdk.cpp ) target_link_libraries(tests catch2_main fmt::fmt pmdk_storage Boost::filesystem ) # Catch2's contrib folder includes some helper functions # to auto-discover Catch tests and register them in CTest set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${catch2_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) include(Catch) catch_discover_tests(tests) if(GKFS_INSTALL_TESTS) install(TARGETS tests DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} ) endif()