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......@@ -157,28 +157,30 @@ Further options:
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] Help message
-m [ --mountdir ] arg pseudo mountdir
-r [ --rootdir ] arg data directory
-i [ --metadir ] arg metadata directory, if not set rootdir is used for
-l [ --listen ] arg Address or interface to bind the daemon on.
-m [ --mountdir ] arg Virtual mounting directory where GekkoFS is
-r [ --rootdir ] arg Local data directory where GekkoFS data for this
daemon is stored.
-i [ --metadir ] arg Metadata directory where GekkoFS' RocksDB data
directory is located. If not set, rootdir is used.
-l [ --listen ] arg Address or interface to bind the daemon to.
Default: local hostname.
When used with ofi+verbs the FI_VERBS_IFACE
environment variable is set accordingly which
associates the verbs device with the network
interface. In case FI_VERBS_IFACE is already
When used with ofi+verbs the FI_VERBS_IFACE
environment variable is set accordingly which
associates the verbs device with the network
interface. In case FI_VERBS_IFACE is already
defined, the argument is ignored. Default 'ib'.
-H [ --hosts-file ] arg Shared file used by deamons to register their
enpoints. (default './gkfs_hosts.txt')
-P [ --rpc_protocol ] arg Used RPC protocol for inter-node communication.
Available: {ofi+sockets, ofi+verbs, ofi+psm2} for
(TCP, Infiniband, and Omni-Path, respectively.
-H [ --hosts-file ] arg Shared file used by deamons to register their
endpoints. (default './gkfs_hosts.txt')
-P [ --rpc-protocol ] arg Used RPC protocol for inter-node communication.
Available: {ofi+sockets, ofi+verbs, ofi+psm2} for
TCP, Infiniband, and Omni-Path, respectively.
(Default ofi+sockets)
Libfabric must have verbs or psm2 support enabled.
--auto_sm Enables intra-node communication (IPCs) via the
`na+sm` (shared memory) protocol, instead of using
Libfabric must have enabled support verbs or psm2.
--auto-sm Enables intra-node communication (IPCs) via the
`na+sm` (shared memory) protocol, instead of using
the RPC protocol. (Default off)
--version print version and exit
--version Print version and exit.
Shut it down by gracefully killing the process (SIGTERM).
......@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ void initialize_loggers() {
void parse_input(const po::variables_map& vm) {
auto rpc_protocol = string(gkfs::rpc::protocol::ofi_sockets);
if (vm.count("rpc_protocol")) {
rpc_protocol = vm["rpc_protocol"].as<string>();
if (vm.count("rpc-protocol")) {
rpc_protocol = vm["rpc-protocol"].as<string>();
if (rpc_protocol != gkfs::rpc::protocol::ofi_verbs &&
rpc_protocol != gkfs::rpc::protocol::ofi_sockets &&
rpc_protocol != gkfs::rpc::protocol::ofi_psm2) {
......@@ -323,10 +323,7 @@ void parse_input(const po::variables_map& vm) {
auto use_auto_sm = false;
if (vm.count("auto_sm")) {
use_auto_sm = true;
auto use_auto_sm = vm.count("auto-sm") != 0;
GKFS_DATA->spdlogger()->debug("{}() Shared memory (auto_sm) for intra-node communication (IPCs) set to '{}'.",
__func__, use_auto_sm);
......@@ -417,23 +414,25 @@ int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
("help,h", "Help message")
("mountdir,m", po::value<string>()->required(), "User Fuse mountdir")
("rootdir,r", po::value<string>()->required(), "data directory")
("metadir,i", po::value<string>(), "metadata directory, if not set rootdir is used for metadata ")
("listen,l", po::value<string>(), "Address or interface to bind the daemon on. Default: local hostname.\n"
("mountdir,m", po::value<string>()->required(), "Virtual mounting directory where GekkoFS is available.")
("rootdir,r", po::value<string>()->required(),
"Local data directory where GekkoFS data for this daemon is stored.")
("metadir,i", po::value<string>(),
"Metadata directory where GekkoFS' RocksDB data directory is located. If not set, rootdir is used.")
("listen,l", po::value<string>(), "Address or interface to bind the daemon to. Default: local hostname.\n"
"When used with ofi+verbs the FI_VERBS_IFACE environment variable is set accordingly "
"which associates the verbs device with the network interface. In case FI_VERBS_IFACE "
"is already defined, the argument is ignored. Default 'ib'.")
("hosts-file,H", po::value<string>(),
"Shared file used by deamons to register their "
"enpoints. (default './gkfs_hosts.txt')")
("rpc_protocol,P", po::value<string>(), "Used RPC protocol for inter-node communication.\n"
"Available: {ofi+sockets, ofi+verbs, ofi+psm2} for (TCP, Infiniband, "
"endpoints. (default './gkfs_hosts.txt')")
("rpc-protocol,P", po::value<string>(), "Used RPC protocol for inter-node communication.\n"
"Available: {ofi+sockets, ofi+verbs, ofi+psm2} for TCP, Infiniband, "
"and Omni-Path, respectively. (Default ofi+sockets)\n"
"Libfabric must have enabled support verbs or psm2")
("auto_sm", "Enables intra-node communication (IPCs) via the `na+sm` (shared memory) protocol, "
"Libfabric must have enabled support verbs or psm2.")
("auto-sm", "Enables intra-node communication (IPCs) via the `na+sm` (shared memory) protocol, "
"instead of using the RPC protocol. (Default off)")
("version", "print version and exit");
("version", "Print version and exit.");
po::variables_map vm{};
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);