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adafs_daemon.cpp 14.4 KiB
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// Created by evie on 8/31/17.

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#include <daemon/adafs_daemon.hpp>
#include <db/db_util.hpp>
#include <rpc/rpc_types.hpp>
#include <rpc/rpc_defs.hpp>
#include <preload/ipc_types.hpp>
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void daemon_loop(void* arg) {
    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Starting application loop ...");
        /* TODO for Nafiseh
         * Connect to the IPC socket with the looping thread and listed for messages from the preload lib
         * When new message is received spawn a new thread that will trigger the operation and respond to preload lib
         * Ensure that messages from the lib are not lost. XXX

        // connect to the ipc socket and a separate thread retrieves the message from the preload lib. in
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("done sleeping. exiting ...");

void run_daemon() {
    ABT_xstream xstream;
    ABT_pool pool;
    ABT_thread loop_thread;

    auto argo_ret = ABT_xstream_self(
            &xstream); // get the current execution stream (1 core) to use (started with ABT_init())
    if (argo_ret != 0) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("Error getting the execution stream when starting the daemon.");
    argo_ret = ABT_xstream_get_main_pools(xstream, 1, &pool); // get the thread pool
    if (argo_ret != 0) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("Error getting the thread pool when starting the daemon.");
    argo_ret = ABT_thread_create(pool, daemon_loop, nullptr, ABT_THREAD_ATTR_NULL, &loop_thread);
    if (argo_ret != 0) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("Error creating loop thread");

    // wait for the daemon to be closed and free the loop thread
    argo_ret = ABT_thread_join(loop_thread);
    if (argo_ret != 0) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("Error joining loop thread");
    argo_ret = ABT_thread_free(&loop_thread);
    if (argo_ret != 0) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("Error freeing loop thread.");


void init_environment() {
    // Initialize rocksdb
    auto err = init_rocksdb();
    err = init_argobots();
    // init margo
    err = init_rpc_server();
    err = init_ipc_server();
//    err = init_rpc_client();
//    assert(err);
    // TODO set metadata configurations. these have to go into a user configurable file that is parsed here

 * Destroys the margo, argobots, and mercury environments
void destroy_enviroment() {
    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("About to finalize the margo server and client");


    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("About to destroy the mercury context");
    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("About to destroy the mercury class");
    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("All services shut down.");

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 * Initializes the Argobots environment
 * @return
bool init_argobots() {
    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Initializing Argobots ...");

    // We need no arguments to init
    auto argo_err = ABT_init(0, nullptr);
    if (argo_err != 0) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("ABT_init() Failed to init Argobots (client)");
        return false;
    // Set primary execution stream to idle without polling. Normally xstreams cannot sleep. This is what ABT_snoozer does
    argo_err = ABT_snoozer_xstream_self_set();
    if (argo_err != 0) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("ABT_snoozer_xstream_self_set()  (client)");
        return false;
    return true;

 * Shuts down Argobots
void destroy_argobots() {
    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("About to shut Argobots down"s);
    auto ret = ABT_finalize();
    if (ret == ABT_SUCCESS) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Argobots successfully shutdown.");
    } else {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("Argobots shutdown FAILED with err code {}", ret);

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bool init_ipc_server() {
    auto protocol_port = "na+sm://"s;
    hg_addr_t addr_self;
    hg_size_t addr_self_cstring_sz = 128;
    char addr_self_cstring[128];

    // Mercury class and context pointer that go into RPC_data class
    hg_class_t* hg_class;
    hg_context_t* hg_context;

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    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Initializing Mercury IPC server ...");
    /* MERCURY PART */
    // Init Mercury layer (must be finalized when finished)
    hg_class = HG_Init(protocol_port.c_str(), HG_TRUE);
    if (hg_class == nullptr) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Init() Failed to init Mercury IPC server layer");
        return false;
    // Create a new Mercury context (must be destroyed when finished)
    hg_context = HG_Context_create(hg_class);
    if (hg_context == nullptr) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Context_create() Failed to create Mercury IPC server context");
        return false;
    // Below is just for logging purposes
    // Figure out what address this server is listening on (must be freed when finished)
    auto hg_ret = HG_Addr_self(hg_class, &addr_self);
    if (hg_ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Addr_self() Failed to retrieve IPC server address");
        return false;
    // Convert the address to a cstring (with \0 terminator).
    hg_ret = HG_Addr_to_string(hg_class, addr_self_cstring, &addr_self_cstring_sz, addr_self);
    if (hg_ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Addr_to_string Failed to convert address to cstring");
        HG_Addr_free(hg_class, addr_self);
        return false;
    HG_Addr_free(hg_class, addr_self);

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    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Success. Accepting IPCs on PID {}", addr_self_cstring);

    /* MARGO PART */
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    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Initializing Margo IPC server...");
    // Start Margo
    auto mid = margo_init(1, 16, hg_context);
    if (mid == MARGO_INSTANCE_NULL) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("margo_init failed to initialize the Margo IPC server");
        return false;

    // Put context and class into RPC_data object
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    // register RPCs
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    return true;
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bool init_rpc_server() {
    auto protocol_port = RPC_PROTOCOL + "://localhost:"s + to_string(RPCPORT);
    hg_addr_t addr_self;
    hg_size_t addr_self_cstring_sz = 128;
    char addr_self_cstring[128];

    // Mercury class and context pointer that go into RPC_data class
    hg_class_t* hg_class;
    hg_context_t* hg_context;

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    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Initializing Mercury RPC server ...");
    /* MERCURY PART */
    // Init Mercury layer (must be finalized when finished)
    hg_class = HG_Init(protocol_port.c_str(), HG_TRUE);
    if (hg_class == nullptr) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Init() Failed to init Mercury RPC server layer");
        return false;
    // Create a new Mercury context (must be destroyed when finished)
    hg_context = HG_Context_create(hg_class);
    if (hg_context == nullptr) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Context_create() Failed to create Mercury RPC server context");
        return false;
    // Below is just for logging purposes
    // Figure out what address this server is listening on (must be freed when finished)
    auto hg_ret = HG_Addr_self(hg_class, &addr_self);
    if (hg_ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Addr_self() Failed to retrieve server RPC address");
        return false;
    // Convert the address to a cstring (with \0 terminator).
    hg_ret = HG_Addr_to_string(hg_class, addr_self_cstring, &addr_self_cstring_sz, addr_self);
    if (hg_ret != HG_SUCCESS) {
        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Addr_to_string Failed to convert address to cstring");
        HG_Addr_free(hg_class, addr_self);
        return false;
    HG_Addr_free(hg_class, addr_self);

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    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Success. Accepting RPCs on address {}", addr_self_cstring);
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    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Initializing Margo RPC server...");
    // Start Margo
    auto mid = margo_init(1, 16, hg_context);
    if (mid == MARGO_INSTANCE_NULL) {
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        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("margo_init failed to initialize the Margo RPC server");
        return false;

    // Put context and class into RPC_data object
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//bool init_rpc_client() {
//    string protocol_port = RPC_PROTOCOL;
//    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Initializing Mercury client ...");
//    /* MERCURY PART */
//    // Init Mercury layer (must be finalized when finished)
//    hg_class_t* hg_class;
//    hg_context_t* hg_context;
//    hg_class = HG_Init(protocol_port.c_str(), HG_FALSE);
//    if (hg_class == nullptr) {
//        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Init() Failed to init Mercury client layer");
//        return false;
//    }
//    // Create a new Mercury context (must be destroyed when finished)
//    hg_context = HG_Context_create(hg_class);
//    if (hg_context == nullptr) {
//        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->error("HG_Context_create() Failed to create Mercury client context");
//        HG_Finalize(hg_class);
//        return false;
//    }
//    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Success.");
//    /* MARGO PART */
//    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Initializing Margo client ...");
//    // Start Margo
//    auto mid = margo_init(1, 16,
//                          hg_context);
//    if (mid == MARGO_INSTANCE_NULL) {
//        ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("[ERR]: margo_init failed to initialize the Margo client");
//        HG_Context_destroy(hg_context);
//        HG_Finalize(hg_class);
//        return false;
//    }
//    ADAFS_DATA->spdlogger()->info("Success.");
//    // Put context and class into RPC_data object
//    RPC_DATA->client_hg_class(hg_class);
//    RPC_DATA->client_hg_context(hg_context);
//    RPC_DATA->client_mid(mid);
//    register_client_rpcs();
//    return true;
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void register_server_ipcs() {
    auto hg_class = RPC_DATA->server_ipc_hg_class();
    // preload IPCs
    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_minimal", rpc_minimal_in_t, rpc_minimal_out_t, rpc_minimal_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "ipc_srv_fs_config", ipc_config_in_t, ipc_config_out_t, ipc_srv_fs_config_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "ipc_srv_open", ipc_open_in_t, ipc_err_out_t, ipc_srv_open_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "ipc_srv_stat", ipc_stat_in_t, ipc_stat_out_t, ipc_srv_stat_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "ipc_srv_unlink", ipc_unlink_in_t, ipc_err_out_t, ipc_srv_unlink_handler);
    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "ipc_srv_write_data", ipc_write_data_in_t, ipc_data_out_t, ipc_srv_write_data_handler);
//    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "ipc_srv_read_data", ipc_read_data_in_t, ipc_data_out_t, ipc_srv_read_data_handler);
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 * Register the rpcs for the server. There is no need to store rpc ids for the server
 * @param hg_class
void register_server_rpcs() {
    auto hg_class = RPC_DATA->server_rpc_hg_class();
    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_minimal", rpc_minimal_in_t, rpc_minimal_out_t, rpc_minimal_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_create_node", rpc_create_node_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_create_node_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_attr", rpc_get_attr_in_t, rpc_get_attr_out_t, rpc_srv_attr_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_remove_node", rpc_remove_node_in_t, rpc_err_out_t, rpc_srv_remove_node_handler);
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    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_write_data", rpc_write_data_in_t, rpc_data_out_t, rpc_srv_write_data_handler);
    MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_read_data", rpc_read_data_in_t, rpc_data_out_t, rpc_srv_read_data_handler);

// * Register rpcs for the client and add the rpc id to rpc_data
// * @param hg_class
// */
//void register_client_rpcs() {
//    auto hg_class = RPC_DATA->client_hg_class();
//    RPC_DATA->rpc_minimal_id(MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_minimal", rpc_minimal_in_t, rpc_minimal_out_t, nullptr));
//    RPC_DATA->rpc_srv_create_node_id(
//            MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_create_node", rpc_create_node_in_t, rpc_res_out_t, nullptr));
//    RPC_DATA->rpc_srv_attr_id(
//            MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_attr", rpc_get_attr_in_t, rpc_get_attr_out_t, nullptr));
//    RPC_DATA->rpc_srv_remove_node_id(
//            MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_remove_node", rpc_remove_node_in_t, rpc_res_out_t, nullptr));
//    RPC_DATA->rpc_srv_write_data_id(
//            MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_write_data", rpc_write_data_in_t, rpc_data_out_t, nullptr));
//    RPC_DATA->rpc_srv_read_data_id(
//            MERCURY_REGISTER(hg_class, "rpc_srv_read_data", rpc_read_data_in_t, rpc_data_out_t, nullptr));