# Cargo Cargo is a HPC data staging service that runs alongside applications helping them to transfer data in parallel between local and shared storage tiers. > **Note** > > This software was partially supported by the EuroHPC-funded project ADMIRE > (Project ID: 956748, https://www.admire-eurohpc.eu). ## Building Cargo ### Building Cargo and its dependencies with Spack Cargo and its dependencies can be built using [Spack](https://github.com/spack/spack). If you already have Spack, make sure you have the latest release. If you use a clone of the Spack `develop` branch, be sure to pull the latest changes. #### Install Spack If you haven't already, install Spack with the following commands: ```shell $ git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true https://github.com/spack/spack ``` This will create a directory called `spack` in your machine. Once you have cloned Spack, we recommend sourcing the appropriate script for your shell. This will add Spack to your PATH and enable the use of the `spack` command: ```shell # For bash/zsh/sh $ . spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh # For tcsh/csh $ source spack/share/spack/setup-env.csh # For fish $ . spack/share/spack/setup-env.fish ``` Since `Cargo` is not yet available in the official Spack repositories, you need to add the Cargo Spack repository to the Spack namespace in your machine. To do that, download the `spack/` directory in the `Cargo` repository's root to your machine (e.g. under `~/projects/cargo/spack`) and execute the following: ```shell spack repo add ~/projects/cargo/spack/ ``` You should now be able to fetch information from the `Cargo` package using Spack: ```shell spack info cargo ``` You are now ready to install `Cargo`: ```shell spack install cargo ``` Include or remove variants with Spack when a custom `Cargo` build is desired. The available variants are listed below: | Variant | Command | Default | Description | |---------|-------------|---------|------------------------------------| | OFI | `cargo+ofi` | True | Use libfabric as transport library | | UCX | `cargo+ucx` | False | Use ucx as transport library | > **Attention** > > The initial install could take a while as Spack will install build > dependencies (autoconf, automake, m4, libtool, and pkg-config) as well as > any dependencies of dependencies (cmake, perl, etc.) if you don’t already > have these dependencies installed through Spack. After the installation completes, remember that you first need to load `Cargo` in order to use it: ```shell spack load cargo ``` ### Building Cargo manually If you prefer to build and install `Cargo` from sources, you can also do so. For the build process to work correctly, the dependencies below will need to be available in your system: | Dependency | Version | |----------------------------------------------------|---------------------------| | Margo | v0.9.8+ | | Argobots | v1.1+ | | Mercury | v2.1.0+ | | Thallium | v0.10.1+ | | libfabric (if `CARGO_TRANSPORT_LIBRARY=libfabric`) | v0.10.1+ | | ucx (if `CARGO_TRANSPORT_LIBRARY=ucx`) | v0.10.1+ | | boost program_options | v1.71.0+ | | boost mpi | v1.71.0+ | | boost iostreams (optional, for testing) | v1.71.0+ | | MPI | tested with OpenMPI 4.0.3 | Once all dependencies are available, you can download build and install `Cargo` with the following commands: ```shell ## clone the repository git clone https://storage.bsc.es/gitlab/hpc/cargo.git cd cargo ## prepare the CMake build # # PREFIX="some_dir_where_dependencies_can_be_found" # INSTALL_DIR="some_dir_where_you_want_cargo_installed" mkdir build && cd build ## build and install cmake \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING="${PREFIX};${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING="${INSTALL_DIR}" \ -DCARGO_TRANSPORT_LIBRARY:STRING=libfabric \ -DCARGO_BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=ON \ .. make -j8 install ``` These commands will generate and install the `Cargo` server binary (`${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/cargo`) as well as the `Cargo` interface library (`${INSTALL_DIR}/lib/libcargo.so`) and its headers (`${INSTALL_DIR}/include/cargo/*`). ## Testing ```shell cd build/tests/ mpirun -np 4 ${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/cargo -C ./tests -S ofi+tcp:// ```