diff --git a/ci/check_rpcs.py b/ci/check_rpcs.py
index 5055a07e363837f328eb6722a1b7b874282c0e24..fed1f1deba3459a19d96f89e1a53ab86b12b686e 100755
--- a/ci/check_rpcs.py
+++ b/ci/check_rpcs.py
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-from loguru import logger
+import argparse
+import itertools
 import re
 import sys
 from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict
+from typing import Dict, Iterable, Any, Optional
 from lark import Lark, Transformer
+from loguru import logger
@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ class Meta:
     def line(self):
-        return self._line
+        return self._line.replace('{', '{{').replace('}', '}}')
     def lineno(self):
@@ -75,22 +77,21 @@ class RemoteProcedure:
     EXPR = re.compile(r"""
-                    \[(?P<progname>\w+)]\s
+                    \[(?P<progname>\w+(?:-\w+)*?)]\s
+                    (?P<direction><=|=>)\s
+                    (?:pid:\s(?P<rpc_pid>\d+)\s)?
-                    (?P<direction><=|=>)\s
             """, re.VERBOSE)
-    def __init__(self, is_client: bool, meta: Dict, body: Dict,
-                 opts: Dict):
+    def __init__(self, meta: Dict, body: Dict, opts: Dict):
-        self._is_client = is_client
         self._meta = Meta(
@@ -99,30 +100,26 @@ class RemoteProcedure:
+        self._pid = int(meta['rpc_pid']) if meta['rpc_pid'] else None
         self._id = int(meta['rpc_id'])
         self._name = meta['rpc_name']
-        self._is_request = meta['direction'] == '=>'
+        self._is_inbound = meta['direction'] == '<='
         self._address = meta['address']
         if opts:
-            assert self.is_client and self.is_reply
             self._op_id = opts['op_id']
-            self._op_id = self.id
+            _, self._op_id = self.id
         self._body = body
-    @property
-    def is_client(self):
-        return self._is_client
     def meta(self):
         return self._meta
     def id(self):
-        return self._id
+        return self._pid, self._id
     def op_id(self):
@@ -141,16 +138,21 @@ class RemoteProcedure:
         return self._address
-    def is_request(self):
-        return self._is_request
+    def is_inbound(self):
+        return self._is_inbound
-    def is_reply(self):
-        return not self._is_request
+    def is_outbound(self):
+        return not self._is_inbound
     def __eq__(self, other):
         assert self.name == other.name
+        if self.name != other.name:
+            logger.critical("Attempting to compare RPCs with different names:\n"
+                            f"    self: {self}\n"
+                            f"    other: {other}\n")
+            sys.exit(1)
         # first, check that there are no extra keys in the body of the RPCs
         self_keys = set(self._body.keys())
@@ -165,8 +167,8 @@ class RemoteProcedure:
                     "\nExtra fields were found when comparing an rpc "
                     "to its counterpart\n"
-                    f"    extra fields: {extra_keys}"
-                    f"    line number: {rpc.meta.lineno}"
+                    f"    extra fields: {extra_keys}\n"
+                    f"    line number: {rpc.meta.lineno}\n"
                     f"    line contents: {rpc.meta.line}", file=sys.stderr)
                 return False
@@ -185,18 +187,18 @@ class RemoteProcedure:
     def __repr__(self):
         return f'RemoteProcedure(' \
-               f'is_client={self.is_client}, ' \
                f'meta={self.meta}, ' \
                f'op_id={self.op_id}, ' \
                f'id={self.id}, ' \
                f'name={self.name}, ' \
-               f'is_request={self.is_request}, ' \
+               f'is_inbound={self.is_inbound}, ' \
                f'address="{self.address}", ' \
                f'body="{self._body}"' \
 class Operation:
+    # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
     def __init__(self, id, request, reply):
         self._id = id
         self._request = request
@@ -257,14 +259,16 @@ class BodyTransformer(Transformer):
     pair = tuple
     opts = dict
     dict = dict
-    true = lambda self, _: True
-    false = lambda self, _: False
+    true = lambda self, _: True  # noqa
+    false = lambda self, _: False  # noqa
+    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
     def start(self, items):
         body = dict(items[0])
         opts = dict(items[1]) if len(items) == 2 else dict()
         return body, opts
+    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
     def number(self, n):
         (n,) = n
@@ -272,14 +276,17 @@ class BodyTransformer(Transformer):
         except ValueError:
             return float(n)
+    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
     def escaped_string(self, s):
         (s,) = s
         return str(s[1:-1])
+    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
     def string(self, s):
         (s,) = s
         return str(s)
+    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
     def ident(self, ident):
         (ident,) = ident
         return str(ident)
@@ -291,85 +298,234 @@ def process_body(d):
     return BodyTransformer().transform(tree)
-def find_rpcs(filename, is_client, rpc_name):
+def sanitize(address):
+    if address and "://" in address:
+        return address.split("://")[1]
+    return address
+def find_rpcs(filename, rpc_name):
     with open(filename, 'r') as f:
         for ln, line in enumerate(f, start=1):
+            logger.trace(f"Processing line {ln}:")
+            logger.trace(f"  {repr(line)}")
             if m := RemoteProcedure.EXPR.match(line):
                 tmp = m.groupdict()
+                # We found a line with a valid RPC format, but its name is not
+                # known to us. This can happen if the user has defined a new
+                # RPC and forgot to add it to RPC_NAMES, or if the user has
+                # made a typo. In any case, we should warn the user about this.
+                if (n := tmp['rpc_name']) not in RPC_NAMES:
+                    logger.warning(f"Found RPC with unknown name '{n}', "
+                                   f"line ignored", file=sys.stderr)
+                    continue
+                # We found a line with a valid RPC format and its name is the
+                # one we are looking for. We can now parse the body of the RPC
+                # and yield it.
                 if tmp['rpc_name'] == rpc_name:
+                    logger.info(
+                        f"Searching rpc name '{tmp['rpc_name']}' in "
+                        f"line {ln} -- found")
                     tmp['lineno'] = ln
                     tmp['line'] = line
                     body, opts = process_body(tmp['body'])
                     del tmp['body']
-                    yield RemoteProcedure(is_client, tmp, body, opts)
+                    yield RemoteProcedure(tmp, body, opts), ln
+                else:
+                    logger.trace(
+                        f"Searching rpc name '{tmp['rpc_name']}' in "
+                        f"line {ln} -- not found")
+            else:
+                logger.warning(f"Failed to parse line {ln} in {filename}",
+                               file=sys.stderr)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def process_file(file: Path, rpc_name: str, self_address: Optional[str],
+                 targets: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Dict[
+    int, Operation]:
+    """Extract information about RPCs from a logfile and create the necessary
+    Operation descriptors. Within one logfile, RPCs belonging to an operation
+    can be identified by their id (i.e. an RPC request and an RPC response
+    will share the same id).
-    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
-        print("ERROR: Invalid number of arguments", file=sys.stderr)
-        print(
-            f"Usage: {Path(sys.argv[0]).name} CLIENT_LOGFILE SERVER_LOGFILE RPC_NAME",
-            file=sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(1)
+    Across logfiles, RPCs belonging to an operation can be identified by their
+    operation id, which corresponds to the rpc id in the server side and is
+    sent back to the client to allow matching.
+    Example:
+        * client logfile:
+           [...] rpc <= id: 10 name: "ADM_ping" [args...]
+           [...] rpc => id: 10 name: "ADM_ping" [retval...] [op_id: 42]
+        * server logfile:
+           [...] rpc => id: 42 name: "ADM_ping" [args...]
+           [...] rpc <= id: 42 name: "ADM_ping" [retval...]
+    :param file: The path to logfile
+    :param rpc_name: The name of the RPC to search for
+    :param self_address: The address of the server that generated the logfile
+    (or None if unknown)
+    :return: A dict of Operations
+    """
+    ops = {}
+    file_rpcs = {}
+    valid_targets = targets or []
+    logger.info(f"Searching for RPC \"{rpc_name}\" in {file}\n"
+                f"  self address: {self_address}")
+    for rpc, lineno in find_rpcs(file, rpc_name):
+        prefix, direction = ("in", "from") if rpc.is_outbound else ("out", "to")
-    client_logfile = Path(sys.argv[1])
-    server_logfile = Path(sys.argv[2])
+        logger.debug(f"Found {prefix}bound RPC to '{rpc.address}' with "
+                     f"id '{rpc.id}' at line {lineno}")
-    for lf, n in zip([client_logfile, server_logfile], ['CLIENT_LOGFILE',
-                                                        'SERVER_LOGFILE']):
-        if not lf.is_file():
-            logger.error(f"{n} '{lf}' is not a file", file=sys.stderr)
+        if sanitize(rpc.address) == sanitize(self_address):
+            logger.error(f"Found {prefix}bound RPC {direction} own address"
+                         f" {rpc.meta.lineno}\n"
+                         f"    raw: '{rpc.meta.line}'",
+                         file=sys.stderr)
-    rpc_name = sys.argv[3]
+        if rpc.id not in file_rpcs:
+            file_rpcs[rpc.id] = rpc
+        else:
+            req_rpc = file_rpcs[rpc.id]
+            del file_rpcs[rpc.id]
+            logger.debug(f"Creating new operation with id '{rpc.op_id}'")
+            ops[rpc.op_id] = Operation(rpc.op_id, req_rpc, rpc)
+    return ops
+def match_ops(origin_ops, target_ops, strict=True):
+    ec = True
+    for op_id in origin_ops.keys():
+        if op_id not in target_ops:
+            logger.warning(
+                f"An operation with id '{op_id}' was found in origin's "
+                f"operations but is missing from target's operations")
+            if strict:
+                ec = False
+            continue
+        if origin_ops[op_id] != target_ops[op_id]:
+            ec = False
+    return ec
+def configure_logging(verbosity):
+    logger.remove()
+    if verbosity == 0:
+        log_level = "SUCCESS"
+    elif verbosity == 1:
+        log_level = "INFO"
+    elif verbosity == 2:
+        log_level = "DEBUG"
+    else:
+        log_level = "TRACE"
+    logger.add(sys.stderr, level=log_level)
+def group_by_pairs(it: Iterable[Any]):
+    for e1, e2 in zip(itertools.islice(it, 0, None, 1),
+                      itertools.islice(it, 1, None, 1)):
+        yield e1, e2
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Check that client and server logs match for a given RPC "
+                    "name")
+    parser.add_argument("RPC_NAME",
+                        help="the name of the RPC to check")
+    parser.add_argument("LIBSCORD_LOGFILE",
+                        type=Path,
+                        help="the path to the scord client's logfile")
+    parser.add_argument("SCORD_LOGFILE",
+                        type=Path,
+                        help="the path to the scord server's logfile")
+    parser.add_argument("SCORD_ADDRESS",
+                        type=str,
+                        help="the address of the scord server")
+    parser.add_argument("SCORD_CTL_LOGFILE",
+                        type=Path,
+                        nargs='?',
+                        help="the path to the scord server's logfile")
+    parser.add_argument("SCORD_CTL_ADDRESS",
+                        type=str,
+                        nargs='?',
+                        help="the address of the scord-ctl server")
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-v",
+        "--verbose",
+        help="enable verbose output (additional flags increase verbosity)",
+        action="count",
+        dest='verbosity')
+    parser.set_defaults(verbosity=0)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    configure_logging(args.verbosity)
+    logfiles = [args.LIBSCORD_LOGFILE, args.SCORD_LOGFILE]
+    origins = [None]
+    targets = [None, args.SCORD_ADDRESS]
+    if args.SCORD_CTL_LOGFILE:
+        logfiles.append(args.SCORD_CTL_LOGFILE)
+        argnames.append("SCORD_CTL_LOGFILE")
+        if not args.SCORD_CTL_ADDRESS:
+            parser.error(
+                "the following arguments are required: SCORD_CTL_ADDRESS")
+        origins.append(args.SCORD_ADDRESS)
+        targets.append(args.SCORD_CTL_ADDRESS)
+    rpc_name = args.RPC_NAME
+    for file, name in zip(logfiles, argnames):
+        if not file.is_file():
+            logger.critical(f"{name} '{file}' is not a file", file=sys.stderr)
+            sys.exit(1)
     if rpc_name not in RPC_NAMES:
-        logger.error(f"'{rpc_name}' is not a valid rpc name",
-                     file=sys.stderr)
-        logger.error(f"  Valid names: {', '.join(sorted(RPC_NAMES))}",
-                     file=sys.stderr)
+        logger.critical(f"'{rpc_name}' is not a valid rpc name",
+                        file=sys.stderr)
+        logger.critical(f"  Valid names: {', '.join(sorted(RPC_NAMES))}",
+                        file=sys.stderr)
-    logfiles = [client_logfile, server_logfile]
-    client_side = [True, False]
-    client_ops = {}
-    server_ops = {}
+    file_ops = []
-    # extract information about RPCs from logfiles and create
-    # the necessary Operation
-    for lf, is_client, ops in zip(logfiles, client_side, [client_ops,
-                                                          server_ops]):
+    for file, self_address in zip(logfiles, targets):
+        ops = process_file(file, rpc_name, self_address)
+        file_ops.append((file, ops))
-        found_rpcs = {}
+    for (origin_file, origin_ops), (target_file, target_ops) in \
+            group_by_pairs(file_ops):
-        for rpc in find_rpcs(lf, is_client, rpc_name):
-            if rpc.id not in found_rpcs:
-                if rpc.is_request:
-                    found_rpcs[rpc.id] = rpc
-                else:
-                    logger.error(f"\nFound server reply for RPC without "
-                                 f"a corresponding client request at line"
-                                 f" {rpc.meta.lineno}\n"
-                                 f"    raw: '{rpc.meta.line}'", file=sys.stderr)
-                    sys.exit(1)
-            else:
-                req_rpc = found_rpcs[rpc.id]
-                req_rpc.op_id = rpc.op_id
-                ops[rpc.op_id] = Operation(rpc.op_id, req_rpc, rpc)
-                del found_rpcs[rpc.id]
-    ec = 0
-    for k in client_ops.keys():
+        logger.info(f"Matching operations in '{origin_file.name}' and "
+                    f"'{target_file.name}'")
+        if not match_ops(origin_ops, target_ops, False):
+            logger.critical("Not all operations match")
+            sys.exit(1)
-        if k not in server_ops:
-            logger.error(
-                f"Operation ID '{k}' found in client log but missing "
-                f"in server log")
-            ec = 1
+    logger.success("All operations match")
+    sys.exit(0)
-        if client_ops[k] != server_ops[k]:
-            ec = 1
-    sys.exit(ec)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/examples/c/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/c/CMakeLists.txt
index d2a25be81e26518709d00e67f17c7143f5f0559b..cbc590b510871def113b785367dbb70a6c67ea43 100644
--- a/examples/c/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/c/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -80,9 +80,12 @@ if(SCORD_BUILD_TESTS)
+      ${example}
-      ${example}
+      ${SCORD_TESTS_DIRECTORY}/scord_daemon/scord_ctl.log
       PROPERTIES DEPENDS stop_scord_daemon
@@ -107,9 +110,10 @@ if(SCORD_BUILD_TESTS)
+      ${example}
-      ${example}
       PROPERTIES DEPENDS stop_scord_daemon
diff --git a/examples/cxx/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/cxx/CMakeLists.txt
index efb0258e9cfa18423dd2e3cc5ed6096955ac3023..9b828a7aea5f31eed193aba2f5cff47582307419 100644
--- a/examples/cxx/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/cxx/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -81,9 +81,12 @@ if(SCORD_BUILD_TESTS)
+      ${example}
-      ${example}
+      ${SCORD_TESTS_DIRECTORY}/scord_daemon/scord_ctl.log
       PROPERTIES DEPENDS stop_scord_daemon
@@ -108,9 +111,10 @@ if(SCORD_BUILD_TESTS)
+      ${example}
-      ${example}
       PROPERTIES DEPENDS stop_scord_daemon