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Ramon Nou's avatar
Ramon Nou committed
 * Copyright 2021-2023, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain
 * This software was partially supported by the EuroHPC-funded project ADMIRE
 *   (Project ID: 956748,
 * Part of this repository ( is part of scord, other parts are 
 * from ElastiSim 
 * Copyright (c) 2022, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
 * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the 3-Clause
 * BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the base directory for details.
Ramon Nou's avatar
Ramon Nou committed

Ramon Nou's avatar
Ramon Nou committed
# ElastiSim Cargo Example Project

An example ElastiSim project utilizing a scheduling algorithm for malleable jobs with only I/O phases running on a crossbar topology with 128 compute nodes. The jobs have different qos requirements and transfer size. 

The example creates a file called "data/output/breaks.txt" with the number of SLA breaks for a given run. The file should be deleted before running the project.
Ramon Nou's avatar
Ramon Nou committed

## Installation

To build the container required to run ElastiSim, install Docker and execute the following command:
docker build -t elastisim .

## Simulation

To run the simulation, execute the following commands in two different sessions:

### \*nix:
docker run -v $PWD/data:/data -v $PWD/algorithm:/algorithm -u `id -u $USER` --name elastisim -it --rm elastisim /data/input/configuration.json --log=root.thresh:warning
docker exec -u `id -u $USER` -it elastisim python3 /algorithm/

### Mac OS:
docker run -v $PWD/data:/data -v $PWD/algorithm:/algorithm --name elastisim -it --rm elastisim /data/input/configuration.json --log=root.thresh:warning
docker exec -it elastisim python3 /algorithm/

### Windows (PowerShell):
docker run -v ${PWD}\data:/data -v ${PWD}\algorithm:/algorithm --name elastisim -it --rm elastisim /data/input/configuration.json --log=root.thresh:warning
docker exec -it elastisim python3 /algorithm/

The first command runs the ElastiSim simulator process and accepts two inputs:
- the configuration file (JSON)
- the logging level

For a more detailed output change `--log=root.thresh:warning` to `--log=root.thresh:info` (caution: verbose).

The second command runs the scheduling algorithm.